Friday, May 20, 2022

Friday morning

 Well I made it through work Thursday night.  I did say something about one of my coworkers which I realize now will probably get back to her.  I basically said she is allowed to do ___ and I am required to do A, B, C and to quote my boss "I want you always moving".  She is not required to adhere to that.  And I said it seemed unfair.  So we will see how that goes when I go in today.  

You could say they have a different rule book because they have higher expectations of me, that they want to move me up, but I doubt it.  I think it is more I am willing to work so they are requiring it.  I certainly earn the $13 an hour, though.  I will not complain if they raise my pay again (inflation).  I feel like I have earned it.  I look out for the customer, I look out for the company, I even look out for safety hazards.  

We have those disinfecting wipes at the door.  People throw them on the floor when done and they are a slip hazard, I spoke to another associate who almost fell stepping on one.  So I am always picking those things up.  I was asked to do this so I do it.  If I'm walking along doing something else and I see one I pick it up.  Because I am looking out for the customer and looking out for the company.  And that I think is what they call virtue signalling: the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.

Yup, guilty.  I will leave it in, though.  

So I do my best to give Walmart their money's worth and try to do everything that is requested.  I am fine doing that but it is very demoralizing seeing these other coworkers doing 1/4 what I am doing and the bosses seem to love them.  What am I? 

Anyway that is probably my "big" problem at work and I SHOULDN'T have vented but I do get frustrated.  I feel like the same rules should apply to everyone doing the job.  

I came home, talked to Mom and Dad.  Dad is involved in some social groups and gave a talk yesterday that went very well.  He was very pleased with that, he had spent a lot of time putting the talk together.  I am really glad he is so active socially.  My in laws basically sat at home in front of the TV the last 30 years of their lives and they didn't do well, both ended up with dementia.  I do wonder about my brother and sister in law, as Ron's parents, and Ron, had dementia, they must have gotten it too.  Some of that probably the lead pipes in their home and then the rest of it genetic.  Very glad to see Mom and Dad involved in charity work, veteran's groups for him, etc.  

I need to figure out my breakfast and lunch for today.  I can do the lentils for dinner but need to figure that out.  I did use the gift card yesterday for lunch which was nice.  I am doing my best to be thrifty with what I have so it lasts longer.  I don't want to get to my 3 days off and I don't have any money.  Also it may rain on Sunday so I might need a ride home.  I will have to think about that.  I have my rain jacket and my water proof shoes so I should be OK if I just go out in it.  So I need to get the meal sorted.  

I am thinking I need to go modified low carb.  I am hungry all the time.  I eat and I just don't get full.  I think it is the carbs jacking with my blood sugar.  So I need to eat more protein and fat, less carbs.  My weight loss has sort of stalled on this so I need to get that fixed.  And I don't want to walk around hungry all the time.  I will figure it out.  

That's it for now, I may come back.   

Almost done getting ready.  Jack told me he really likes "root beer barrels" candy so I will try to score him a bag at work.  He said it was a childhood favorite.  I am glad to hear it, I want to have "the good" candy.  

On a totally unrelated note I cleaned the toilet, which needed it.  That's it for now.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do modified low carb and it helps me not to be hungry. I don't eat a lot of meat, except for chicken or turkey, but I find that cheese and any type of nut butter (or even "fake" nut butter) help me to stay fuller, longer. When I start eating the crap carbs, my cravings come roaring back and I am hungry all of the time. (I know everyone is different, so you will find what works for you). Plus I sit all day at my job and you are more active so you have to factor that in also.