Sunday, May 8, 2022

Sunday night

 Mother's day has generally been terrible for me.   Not because I wanted kids, but people got upset I didn't.  And I also had mother issues to say the least.  I was OK with all that today but everyone kept asking if I had kids, and I couldn't help but think how painful this would be for a woman with fertility issues.  As far as I know I could have kids, could, still, even.  So it's not painful in that regard but it was a little much.  

Uneventful rides to/from work.  Handed out my candy with the tracts.  I bought more candy at work, 3 pounds for $5 total.  Seemed like a good deal to me.  Walmart must think I am diabetic with all the candy I buy.  Work itself was OK.  We had a lot of spills from flower water dripping on the floor.  I cleaned up one myself.  

Came home, that took a while.  Fence guy was in my yard finishing up.  That was nice.  He also put a nice little cross on the gate which I like.  He's all done, my crap is gone so I'm happy.  Hopefully HOA will be happy too.  

I did my budget not too bad for the week.  I had a little extra due to the utility bills being low last month.  The thermostat is set at 85 so hopefully the bill won't be too bad next month.  And I am OK with that.  

Only real issue today were the mosquitoes biting my legs when I was taking out trash and recycle.  I didn't have access to the cans for a while so I had a backlog to go in the cans, and boy the little vampires had a field day with my legs.  I forgot I am delicious to them.  I was wearing my shorts.  

I had chicken nuggets and a big bowl of vegetables for dinner, drizzled with olive oil.  It was pretty good.  I am tired but not too bad.  I had to get up at 4.  I did take a nap when I got home for about an hour with Cuddly Cleo and friends.  I am so proud of her and tell her that constantly.  

I can relate to her.  Due to my early childhood I was very anxious and fearful as a young girl.  I was afraid of leaves blowing in the wind.  I was afraid of the toilet.  You get the idea.  So I know what it's like to be paralyzed and consumed by fear, I am so warmed with pride when I see her trusting me.  She's a great little cat.  

Spotty and Biscuit are battling for Top Cat so far Biscuit is ahead.  They are wrestling but none of the yowling, chasing each other around the house nonsense I have seen with other cats.  They bop each other with a paw now and then but that's it.  Cleo doesn't want to be Boss cat and is happy in her role.

I texted with my aunt.  We are going to redo my will: if she's alive she gets it all.  If she is not alive her son gets the cash.  Contents get donated to the thrift shop.  House is sold and proceeds donated to World Missionary press.  She liked it.  We can do that when she comes out next month.  No point having the old will where it all goes to Ron.  He's dead.  It just makes more work for whoever.    

And I am tired so I'm going to bed.  It's nice to be off.  


Anonymous said...

Mother's day wasn't great for me. My only child is in jail AGAIN. I struggle not to blame myself.

Heather Knits said...

I can't imagine. But you're not alone I think I told the story of that poor woman with the son never even says boo to her and she bought her own Mother's Day gift.

I need to pray more for those in prison ministry because a lot of people get turned around after they meet Jesus in jail. I will be praying.

And it's not your fault some kids are just difficult. My parents had a couple of them.