Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Very early Wednesday morning

I went to bed very early Tuesday and woke up about 4 AM today.  So I got up and got my chicken thighs started in the crock pot.  I used some chicken broth powder, a cup of water, and about 1/4 cup chopped frozen onions I found in the freezer.  Every time I open the freezer door I have food falling out on me so I think I am OK on food for a while.  I am really glad I got those lunchable things at the store.  That was a great deal.  The ham ones had a very short sell by date but the turkey ones are good for another month.  I also have 1.8 pounds of bananas which make a great snack.  I got some assorted ones other people had rejected but looked fine to me.  I don't care if my banana has a bruise.  And the green/yellow ratio was good in my eyes although I don't buy a lot of bananas.  But this store has "the best" bananas in my eyes.  Not too green.  Not overripe.  So that's plenty for a while.  

And I have 2 days off coming up next week so it's not like I can't shop then.  

I slept OK and did not wake up for a change, which is interesting as I had 3 (single serve) bottles of diet cola yesterday.  I also got some green tea/raspberry drink mix I will have at work on my lunch.  I took my pills when I got up; I need to do up another 3 weeks.  It is a little tedious doing them up but worth it.  I will also make 2 pouches to take to work Thursday and Friday.  I prefer to take my pills on my lunch vs. having to take them when I get home from work at 10:30 PM.  

Enough about work.  It is raining.  I will do my last load of laundry when it finishes up although it isn't a strong storm that might cause a power outage.  I also need to pay the insurance once I verify the transfer went through.  I have my debit card ready for that.  And I need to take a shower, do some dishes, and then I am done.  Not a lot of dishes though.  

I also need to cook up some lentils and rice.  But that won't take long.  Still plenty of time to have fun today.  

Oh and I got paid, let me see if that went through.  It did.  Got $3 more than I budgeted.  Transfer went through too.  That's a nice balance!  Too bad I don't get to keep it!  😂  Comcast is still processing as are my credit card payments, one credit card had a $2 balance and the other was about $8 (they break up the annual fee to monthly).  I am glad I caught those as I would hate to wreck my (decent) credit over a missed $2 payment.  I have the cell phone coming out shortly not sure when exactly...but it's coming.  Today, I think.  Anyway it's in there.  I am very happy with my company.  I like there is an office very close by if I have a problem.  Because problems happen.  This way I can go get a new phone easily and actually able to afford the damned thing, like what happened last year after Ron died.  

That phone I still use for streaming music and I like the weather app better, it works fine with Google on wifi it just couldn't do messages.  When I got hired at Walmart one of the first things they did was send me a text message with my background check so it's a good thing I had the new phone!  So I actually have 2 phones.  And the old phone I could dial 911 if a bad guy got in here and took my new phone.  Not that he'd want it, I basically got the cheapest one.  

I feel like I should say something about the school shooting.  We live in a fallen world, people.  To quote Theocracy (Christian metal band) "This is what it looks like when we tell You we can do it on our own".  

That said why were the teachers not armed?  And good shots?  I would not send my child to a school if at least half the teachers and staff were not armed and proficient.  The old days of "No one will hurt the children" are LONG gone.  There are bad guys out there who know they can inflict worldwide pain by doing after small kids.  Why not be ready for him when he comes?  I don't get that!  

Unlike Sandy Hook I am not getting a leading to do a Bible Handout.  Frankly I wonder if the Handout days are over, not because Ron's dead but because the world is done with Jesus.  Fine, He will let the world alone and I wish you well because you're going to need it!  

That's all I've got on that.  

Every day when I talk to my parents they share details of a very active social life, Bible Study.  Veteran's groups, Dad giving hour long speeches that are well received.  Ministry things (they are chaplains).  Going to the gym.  Walks with friends in the morning, all very encouraging things for the child of elderly parents.  I tell them that's exactly what they should be doing and encourage them to keep it up.  I tell them Ron's parents spent the last 30 years of their lives sitting in front of the TV and no social outlet.  And they both got dementia.  Some of that I think was the lead pipes but a lot of it was genetic.  And I think some of it could have been pushed back had they been more mentally active.  My father in law had a beautiful garden which he had to stop tending to care for my mother in law.  That is a shame as I think it helped keep him young.  

I actually have some pretty long-lived grandparents.  Both grandmothers were widowed young but lived into their 80's.  So I think I have good odds if the heart attack doesn't get me.  But I was pretty active yesterday bringing those groceries home and didn't have any trouble.  I am actually glad I have to ride the bus because that is a minimum 25 minutes of exercise every day I go anywhere, including work.  I have a room set up with kettlebells and an exercise bike (how many can say that?!) but I don't use them, I need to, but I can at least get some exercise doing this.  Not necessarily to lose weight and get sexy but to lose weight and get healthy.  I want to be healthy.  I don't want a stroke or heart attack.  I don't want to "half die" (Ron's phrase).  

And why do I have so much trouble capitalizing Ron's name these days?  I don't know.  That's it for now.  

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