Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tuesday morning

 I slept OK.  The cats never wake me up, but once I am awake they clamor for breakfast.  So I got up and fed them.  I got online for a bit and made some iced tea (doesn't matter if my fake decaf keeps me up I plan to be up for a while).  I found the insurance bill and texted my aunt the amount I need transferred out of savings.  

Last year it worked fine to pay it online, but I am using an older OS this time so that might be an issue?  We will see tomorrow when I pay it.  Worst case I will go to the Post Office and mail it.  

The cats are fine, I saw Cleo and Spotty while I did my God Time they are good.  Biscuit hung out on the couch with me for a while.  

A couple of issues: 1.  Do I get groceries.  I have a lot of stuff in the freezer but could use some other things.  And do I take the bus or call Jack for a ride?  Decisions.  

Then we have the calling the church thing.  I HATE to ask for help.  Hate it.  Last year I went on my message board and said I found Ron died: they took it from there and did a fund raiser after asking if it was "OK".  I had $16.  It was OK.  😂  But I didn't ask, I wouldn't have thought to, to be honest.  When I get a love gift I accept it but I hate asking...so it is very hard for me to ask for help.  

Plan is I may call the church and ask if I could get a ride to the grocery store some Tuesdays.  It would save me cab fare.  But asking!  I don't think it's pride so much as just hating to hear no.  We will see.  

That's it for now.  

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