Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sunday morning

 Today has just been... weird.  

I didn't sleep well last night and got up early because I need to take the bus to work.  BUT the cold front came through along with heavy rains and thunderstorms.  So I need to take a ride to work; but it's so early I can't call either of my guys just yet to confirm a ride.  No one wants a call at 6 AM.  7:45, I'm thinking, is barely acceptable.  

I didn't think this through, SHOULD have arranged a ride yesterday when I knew it would come through this morning but I assumed it would come through last night.  So I'm sitting in my chair tired and thinking I could have got a LOT more sleep if I had just arranged my ride yesterday.  Not really mad at myself more resigned.  At least it is still raining so I made the right call; and it looks like we're not as likely to have a drought this year.  I can only think of a few times I had a problem with rain as I was going to work.  

I really didn't want to stand in the rain for an hour total waiting on buses, not to mention walking across that vacant, muddy, lot.  I just hope I can get a ride to work: lesson learned, arrange a ride the day before.  Worst case I call in, I will live and I haven't called out in almost a year.  

Biscuit is hanging out next to me on the couch.  Cleo is an interesting cat, she spooks easily, freaks out, and runs away, if I move fast,  like walking to the bathroom quickly.  But once I'm in there she comes to visit and lays down on the floor for petting.  She's a good cat but definitely different, and not a cat for dogs or kids.  I haven't seen Spotty, I know he's not outside but he may be under Ron's bed.  

And I have run out of things to say, that's it for now.  

Edit: called my cab driver buddy and he is coming to get me.  SO happy about that.  

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