Sunday, May 15, 2022


 So I got up at 4 am spent 2 hours on the bus got to work an hour early (because you just don't know with the bus).  Work was..demotivating.  I am not expecting them to bring me flowers, pizza, or even a donut.  but just once I would like them to speak to me as though they valued what I do.  And that's really the extent of my complaint.  Normally I feel better once I am working but today I did not.  It was just an ongoing drip drip drip of criticisms.  Never once a positive comment.  People don't operate like that.  They need positive feedback.  And there is always something good you can find in a person.  

Hell, when I see the cart pusher I always let him know he's doing a good job because we always have plenty of carts.  It is NOT an easy job in the summer heat but he does it well.  And he always smiles when he sees me now.  When I get a little resentful at the nit picking (and I do a good job) I remember how desperate I was last year but if I weren't a Christian I doubt I would be very motivated to do a good job.  

All that said I had the donut dilemma today.  I saw a 13 pack of day old donuts on sale for $1 and change.  It would have been $1.48 for a 2 pack if I went that route.  So I bought the big one.  I ate two before work and then two on my break, when I got it (which was a near thing as I was well over 3 hours in when I got it).  Now what to do with the rest of I eat some tomorrow or do I just throw them out tonight?  They're not going to help with weight loss but I have a lack of breakfasty foods.  I have lunch and dinner items but not really breakfast.  Or I guess I could have some oatmeal at home and then donuts at work?  I need to figure that out.  

But I do plan to buy the big pack of Kountry boys sausage.  I liked it a lot and that will be a lot of meals for me without a lot of effort.  I will bring my cold bag so I can just stuff it in there before work (after I pay for it 😂) and then go straight home when I clock out...although... I may go by the Taco Bell since I have a gift card, and could get a chicken quesadilla.  That might make a nice dinner tomorrow.  I will see.  I still have about $36 in the weekly budget (I did buy the candy), sausage will be about $10.  

And I still want to do the Bible Handout but I did hit a snag.  Utility workers tore up the sidewalk around the bus stop I would use to get there.  That makes a heavy handcart pretty much impossible.  I need to think/pray about that.  

And I am embarrassed to say I just (internally) reacted to the criticism at work without taking it to God first, which I should have done.  HE loves me, values me, sees me at my worst and still underwent torture and a horrible, lingering, death for me.  He knows I do my best.  He is egging me to to better but would never stand and point a finger while other employees are allowed to get away with murder.  While He does judge he judges equally and all are equally forgiven if they repent and turn to Him.  So I need to focus more on Him at work.  

So I do plan to get a few groceries before work tomorrow, tuna, sausage, and some decaf tea.  I have a little pancake maker I bought on clearance for $3 last summer I have never used.  I have some pancake mix.  I may make some pancakes one morning when I stay home, that would be a nice treat, especially with some of the sausage.  

And I found the manual to the pancake thing.  I need to get a file cabinet and put it in the orange room, put my utility bills and manuals in it.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Pathetic how stuff like that works. I know you are an excellent worker and give 110% to your job. Ignore those managers negativity and just keep doing your job. It's a shame they couldn't give you three 8 hours days instead of 4 or 5 four hour days. But they are notorious for that. I know because I worked for them a long time ago and they pulled that stuff then too. I think they do it so it's harder for the person to work another job while working there.

Anonymous said...

Don't you get worried about finding ticks on your cats and in your bed, etc because they are indoor outdoor cats? What do you do for tick and flea prevention?

Heather Knits said...

I never never found a tick. Haven't had a flea problem this year. The only thing I've really found this year are little burrs in their fur. I pulled all those out now that the yard is mowed and the weeds gone. When I need it I use Advantage 2 on the cats. They are all good about taking it, even Cleo. And that's good for a month.

Anonymous said...

My dog had to get a blood test to be on heartworm pills this year. The vet said she has Lyme disease. I had to give her antibiotics twice a day for 30 days.

Heather Knits said...

Was she good about it? Biscuit has always been really good about taking medication but Torbie tried to rip my face off. Glad I only had to dose her for one week total. And I had to have Ron restrain her. I don't know what I'll do if I have to pill Cleo one day. I expect I will bleed a lot and probably need antibiotics from the bites that will ensue. But that's OK I love her