Monday, May 30, 2022

Monday Evening

 Well my hard work paid off.  

I almost fell asleep on the way to work today but I got there, bought my giant 2 pound block of extra sharp cheddar (and more baggies for candy).  From what I can tell I have done about 600-700 bags of candy since Ron died.  I also bought a 6 pack of Diet Dew because I was cheap.  I didn't want to pay $4 for 2 twenty ounce bottles when I could buy six 16.9 ounce bottles for $3.84.  I drank one before work and one after (so I would stay awake for the ride home).  I did have to haul it home which wasn't much fun.  I gave serious thought to drinking a couple bottles at the transit center but I want to sleep tonight.  

So I clocked in.  One of my coworkers said "She's going to keep you busy today" and she did.  But I did everything asked of me, then some, and got a rare compliment.  And she approved my time off request for the 15th when my aunt comes to town, so my hard work paid off.  I don't get paid for it and lose a couple hours but when you factor in having a pay for a ride home it is only about $40.  And I make 28 hours that week anyway so not bad.  I do OK at 24 so 28 is great.  

So I killed that 😂, ha, all things in Christ who gives me strength...but I got out of there.  3 homeless guys at the bus stop but at least one was gallant and moved for me.  My feet were tired so I was ready to sit!  Bus stopped.  All drivers but one took the candy today.  I wished them all luck on their new routes which start next week.  I will not see today's drivers again.  But I feel like I served them well.  

Really glad I don't have to call in on the 15th.  

I stayed awake for the ride home.  Long walk home but I did it.  Cats were happy to see me.  I ate a one ounce bag of chips and took a nap, slept OK but I could feel the caffeine.  #6 seems quiet for now.  He is probably thinking how he has to get up at 5 am tomorrow (he is in construction).  Jack asked me if I worked today so not sure what that means... we will see.  

I plan to have a lunchable for dinner.  I would rather try it out when I have tomorrow off if it doesn't agree for some reason.  I also made some "definitely" decaf tea to drink later.  Water is fine for now.  I have a headache from all the soda (2 bottles and one can) but I will be OK.  

Tomorrow I am taking as a sabbath 'Do no work" straight from the Bible.  Exodus 20:10.  That is good enough for me.  I am massively sleep deprived and a little wrung out.  I need to vegetate in front of my TV and watch fireman TV shows tomorrow.  I will take a shower and do some laundry but that's it.  

The house is pretty pleasant for me at 85.  I don't know a single person other than Ron who would be OK with that.  But it should save me a lot of money.  If I really am getting more hours I don't want to waste the money if I can avoid it and still be comfortable.  And I am good.  I sleep fine that is all I would worry about, if it were too hot to sleep.  I bet I would do great camping.  

The deposit went through from my fairy Godmother so checking balance looks pretty awesome.  For me at least.  The cats are good, they were begging a lot when I got home so I gave them half their dinner early and will give them the other half when I go to bed.  

That's it for now.  

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