Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tuesday evening

 I couldn't take a nap, that "decaf" tea IS NOT.  I laid there thinking and decided I could go to the store on my own.  

The ideal would have been "Foodtown" but that was impossible for various reasons.  I don't like the Kroger.  But there are other grocery stores.  

I decided to go to the one nearest my house.  I would have to walk to the bus stop, ride down, cross the street, ride up to the end of the line, come back, get off, shop, and finish my ride home.  So I did that.  

And that was actually the easiest grocery store aside from the Kroger.  The church guy was not encouraging when I called so I didn't want to lean on that.  I will call tomorrow after I pay the insurance (or try!) and see if I can get on the list but I'm not overly hopeful.  

This, I only paid $1.20 for transport.  Can't beat that.  I took my "bag lady" shopping cart.  Not really my preferred method of travel but I got my groceries.  

I was particularly interested in shredded cheese, work snacks, tortillas, tuna, etc.  I didn't need a lot of raw meat.  I found some "lunchable" type snacks for 33 cents each.  They had good dates on them so I got 5.  I got some sausage biscuits will be a good breakfast.  A loaf of multi grain bread.  I can do a lot with that.  

Now, at work I need to get more of the fake peanut butter.  Sliced cheese (grocery store did not have extra sharp), and crackers.  But I had money left so I can do that.  And it can wait.  

That is something I can throw in my bag on Thursday and buy before my shift, take it home after and stick it in the fridge.   

I'm tired, that's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

I just paid $55.25 to fill my gas tank. That'll last for a little over a week.
I also have a large car payment and insurance. $1.20 for a ride is a deal! When I think about it, I'm working a 2nd job to afford this GMC, it's not a BMW.

Heather Knits said...

Ouch! How are people eating?

I will be praying for your ride to stay healthy.