Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sunday morning

 I did not sleep well last night, I kept waking up.  I was a little upset as I have to be alert for work, crossing busy streets, etc.  I will just have to trust God to keep my battery charged.  

The cats are good, they all showed up when I got up to feed them.  Biscuit, stuffed and happy, is grooming himself on the couch next to me.  I have a little time before I have to take my shower.  

I plan to buy some candy before work today.  I may also get some day old donuts if they have some as I like donuts before work and I can keep them in the fridge.  They are also way cheaper the next day, if they have any.  I will have to hide the donuts in my bag as I don't want problems with the homeless guy at the bus stop.  He drinks beer out of a large glass bottle in a paper bag as he tries to wash car windows.  He doesn't bother me and I don't say anything to him, other than "It's been fun" when the bus came yesterday.  

I also need to do up 5 bags of candy to cover my ride to work.  Well round trip to work.  I am really glad I bought a house on a bus line.  

Yesterday at work a woman was asking me what apartments I lived in, I told her the truth, we bought a house and my husband had life insurance that left it to me when he died.  I'm not going to lie if asked directly.  I also emphasized it is a small house.  

I suggested some apartments near the transit center but she said they were "bad" even though they are also bad where she lives, it's just perception, this area is "really bad".  My experience the really "bad" neighborhoods are fine if you keep your nose clean and mind your own business.  Don't try to tell the other residents what to do.  But she wouldn't hear it.  

She is really into crafts and would probably fill up one room just with yarn if she had her druthers.  I have a small box of yarn under the bed in Ron's room but it only has about 10 balls of yarn, which isn't much for a crafter.  I had considered making an afghan for Ron's room but later considered afghans and cats aren't really compatible.  I spent a LOT of time making a "stained glass" afghan about 10 years ago, with leftover yarn, and one of the cats snagged a claw in it and messed it up.  Not mad at the cat I should have known better.  And it still keeps me warm, but when I put it on the bed now I cover it up.  

Another thing the woman mentioned she spends $800 a month on rent.  I spend $500 a month on "escrow".  I can just do that and get 3 rides a week so that's good.  And the 3 rides I need so I am glad I can manage.  I can go cheaper on groceries but really need the rides and escrow.  Another woman at work was shocked I "only" (not counting rides) worked 4 hours yesterday but that's all they needed me for, and I did say part time was OK when I applied.  And let me tell you, part time $ is a lot better than no $.  I wouldn't mind full time if I had rides but that doesn't look to be likely.  

I am really working on being OK by myself before I even think about dating again.  He's going to have to be special, understanding of my terrible housekeeping for one.  Handy would be nice but not a deal killer.  Love cats.  Love God.  Why do I keep putting God as a lower case letter today?  I don't think that honors Him.  Anyway I had better get my shower.  

Some days I really hate my support socks but I will need them today with all the time spent at the bus stops before/after work and then the time on my feet AT work.  I am always glad for them during the day but usually hate putting them on.  

Biscuit is snoring on the couch and adorable.  They seem happy with 2 cups food for everyone, every day.  And work does have the food again. 

Oh, one last thing before the shower, I have some performance t shirts I will be wearing this summer (had them, for a while).  I don't want to get my clothes all sweaty going to-from work.  I will still be washing the tops and underwear every day but I can wait a day or two on the jeans.  It won't be bad today and tomorrow as I will get to work around 8-9 AM but on Thursday and Friday I will really need something good.  I can always bring another t shirt to wear at work but the performance will get me there without getting too disheveled.   

I like to load the work app at home just in case I need to log in again, it's a lot easier to do at home than at work under time pressure to clock in.  Loaded it today and it went crazy, I had to sign a new EULA set a "new" pin (old pin worked fine), verify pin, etc. then all the "updates".  Finally slogged through all that, they have changed it but not much, and I was OK.  I don't see how it will tell me when my time off request is approved but other than that it seems OK.  Also a submenu for "tasks" not sure what that is it wouldn't let me access as I am clocked out.  But I am glad I handled that at home.  

I even remembered to do my upper lip treatment.  I need to do that once a week just to stay on top of any problems.  It didn't matter when I wore a mask every day but now that I'm not I have to be a little more presentable.  Biscuit is now sprawled on his back with one back leg up in the air it is really cute.  

And I need to get going!  That's it for now.  

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