Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Pretty painless overall, Cleo was resting in the porch chair, got down, squeaking at me when she saw me.  I brought out the trap and set it down. 

Then I went back in the house.  I had served Mixed Grill for breakfast, everyone loves that.  Including Cleo.  I put a couple tablespoons on a plate.  Disposable plate. 

Ron said do treats, so I put some of them too. 

I went out.  COULD NOT figure out how to open the trap, finally resorted to holding up the trap door with my hand for a while.  Put most of the "good stuff" in the back, past the trip plate.  Put some at the front as I have heard it works.  Treats scattered around. 

Cleo took a couple of minutes to figure out only one entrance.  Walked in very slow (by now I had figured out the trigger and my hand was away from the trap).  Sure enough, went straight for the back and BAM. 

Now to take her to the vet.  They will board her tonight and spay her tomorrow. 


Anonymous said...

Good job! Now she will be safe from your bratty neighbor kids. Admire your persistence with her!

Heather Knits said...

She's a nice little cat. I didn't realize the parents did drop-off for the illegal daycare next door (the ones with the vicious kids) but those kids were only focused on getting in the house and not on my doings.

I know the little sickos would have loved to find her in a trap.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Cleo! Finally safe. Thank you Heather. I know I can give you a hard time about things some times but you are truly one of the good ones on this earth.

Anonymous said...

But you admit you haven’t even seen them do anything to your cats with your own eyes. And you are calling them all these horrible names. I just cringe.

I don’t understand why you don’t speak to the mom. I thought you said she had a good heart?

Heather Knits said...

I haven't SEEN them go after my cats, LATELY. I have seen it in the past. I did hear them going after Cleo and stoning her in my yard when I was in the garage without a bra on. Had I known they were doing that I would have gone out and whooped some butts.

The mother SEEMS nice but does not speak a word of English. [rolleyes] Lived here at least 15 years and doesn't speak or understand it. So that is out, because her husband IS a jerk and will not translate, neither will her kids. I do not have a spanish translator on call.

And, really, it doesn't matter, because Cleo is coming inside from her trip to the vet and an easy indoor life with no torment.

I witnessed another neighbor let his large dog off leash to chase her one evening. That all ended today when I trapped her. God only knows what I did not witness.

Outside cats are just not safe. Not in my area at least. A TNR might work in an industrial park or junkyard but too exposed in my subdivision.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that so many people have it in for that cat.

Heather Knits said...

I think I just live among cat haters. Don't forget, a couple years ago Gravy came home badly injured, vet said either someone had sicced a dog, or run over him... so not the first time. Gravy wasn't so lucky.