Wednesday, August 7, 2019

I'm not STUPID

Ron and I are working on the accounting report, I uploaded the photos of Cleo. 

We are inputting data and the door bell rings.  I open it. 

It's not the pizza, it's the woman next door.  She owns the property.  We had problems with her off and on over the years. 

She used to ignore all the parking in her driveway and park in front of my house, forcing my drivers to park further up and endangering Ron when he tried to board.  She saw him almost fall one day and I turned and shouted "If he fell it would have been YOUR FAULT".  She started parking in the driveway. 

They moved out because they were too good for the neighborhood and bought another house not far away.  If you're going to move, move, but only a couple miles away?  Next to a big self storage complex? 

Anyway, she rented to a series of low-class tenants.  One family had two 8-10 year old boys, they would wrestle in the back yard, tackling each other into the fence and cracking boards.  I caught the younger boy actually ripping boards off the fence as his little friend egged him on.  Needless to say I had a talk with the parents.  They moved out. 

Then the hoarder moved in with the Barkappotamous.  If you remember the dog ripped boards off the fence, dug holes under it, so bad I had to get huge sheets of plywood to put over the holes on the fence.  I got two, eight foot sections in addition to many individual boards. 

I contacted the landlady about the dog issue and said it was becoming untenable, constant barking, dog tearing up the fence, etc.  I specifically mentioned in my letter that the previous tenant's  boys had been tearing up the fence, and I had not complained, but the dog was just untenable. 

She came out (the resident had finally gotten sick of/rid of the dog by this point) and stood in my backyard, me showing her all the damage, and said "I will pay to replace this entire fence "As soon as we pay off our taxes".  This was 2010, 2011. 

Nothing.  I didn't care, much.  People show you who they are, she is a liar. 

Last year she started replacing the fence on the other 2 sides of the yard, but did not do my side.  She had really nice fence on 2 sides and a raggedy, falling-down fence on the third.  It was also the longest fence in either of our yards. 

I thought that was a pretty shitty thing to do, you had all the money to replace fencing that was basically fine, but no money to replace the fence you yourself said you would do, 10 years ago.  I should mention she drives a Mercedes SUV, brand new. 

Anyway there she is on my porch.  She said she is replacing the fence.  I said it was about time, her tenants had destroyed it "They never did that" and I listed all the tenants and the damage.  She tried to say she had never rented to a family with 2 boys and I told her she had, the date, and the damage the boys did to my fence.  How their sister used to have sex in a car out front and throw the condoms in my yard.  She got a yuck face over that but I thought she should know she is picking these people to live there, and showing really poor discernment. 

She said "my tree was pushing the fence" (about a 2 foot section out of 70 feet), and, because of it, "The whole fence had to be replaced".  I said the fence had to be replaced because her tenants had destroyed it, and listed all the ways they had damaged the fence, again. 

She finally let that go, and said I would "be responsible for maintaining the fence from now on".  I said HELL NO her tenants were just going to wreck it again and SHE could pay for it, I was NOT paying for damage her tenants would do.  She went on about the tree again, I said the tree is a very small section of the fence.  It did not damage the entire line, your previous tenants did that, and they will do it again.  I am not paying for that. 

She then said her guy was coming out to replace the fence (like she's doing me a favor), and she would have him knock.  I said it didn't matter, I didn't have a dog, she asked how I would know they were there. 

Have you ever heard fence construction?  It is VERY loud.  I said I would know.   She ended it there. 

Trying to tell me I have to maintain the fence!  BS! 

I am white. 
I am middle aged.
I married an older man
Who happens to be black
And disabled
I'm disabled

But I am not STUPID.  Think I'm going to commit to maintaining a 70 foot fence when you have one trash tenant after another destroying it? 


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