Sunday, August 25, 2019

I have a hard time doing nice things for myself these days

As I said, yesterday, I got a Land's End catalog.  I like what they sell, very good quality.  Ron's arms were saved from road rash during his accident because he was wearing a Land's End coat at the time (of course it was destroyed). 

I went through the whole catalog, nothing struck a note.  My weight can be variable so I don't like to buy something that might not fit.  If I knew I would be a 24/22 for several years I might get something, but I never knew what my weight is going to do lately.  I have no problem investing in a pair of $20 Walmart jeans but don't have the budget or motivation for a serious commitment. 

BUT they do have insane coupons at times.  I had a 40% off coupon in my catalog.  It has been about a year since I ordered the coats.  Yesterday I ordered the Kitten lady book for about $14, I just don't do nice things for myself any more.  I was proud I did that, it is something I can use, I have room for it, it was a reasonable price. 

I went through the catalog looking at things.  The shawl collar cardigan was cute but they didn't have it navy and it was a little spendy.  And I work in short sleeves. 

Then I got to the nightgowns.  I need to tell you a little about nightgowns.  I don't wear them.  Main reason, it is impossible to find a long length, short sleeve, 100% cotton, plus size, I can afford.  But they had a very nice, long length, navy (can wear that any day, some of the prints were a little ew), nightgown in a plus size.  Years ago I had a couple of Land's End nightgowns and they were very well made, very soft fabric.  They were very long lasting/durable.  So it's not going to fall apart in a year. 

But $55.  Ouch.  I know many women spend a lot more money on themselves, but I am just not in the habit of doing that.  However, after my coupon it would be about $30 and then $8 shipping.  I thought about it for a while. 

I do not have any nightgowns.  I could one one to wear when I  take out the trash, travel, or deal with Cleo (although Ron is going to make an attempt to get her in the house today).  Yes, I could use it.  It would last.  It would fit.  It was a color I like (navy).  I went and played with Spot for a while to give myself time to think.  I would like to think I am deliberate and thoughtful when it comes to purchases over $20, these days. 

You may or may not know that massive spending is a huge problem with bipolar disorder, when manic.  When the patient doesn't have a lot of money they go thrifting, garbage picking, or to the dollar store,  without fail they accumulate tons of crap.  That is one thing I have been battling as I got better - getting rid of what I accumulated when ill. 

But I didn't think this fell in the category so I did go ahead and buy it.  I should get it by the end of the week.  Good.  It will be useful when we go to the conference.  Ha, maybe I should have used the business debit card to pay for it!  :p 

The rest of the morning, I slept in until around 7:30, got up, Ron was awake, talked to him for a while, went out to deal with Cleo.  She rubbed her tail across my foot (my legs were crossed and my foot was dangling) a few times passing back and forth.  No kids next door.  I guess they had an overnight where ever they got their photos done.  We did see the gray cat but he went across the street, he has figured I am not that much of a cat lady. 

I remember watching an episode of hoarders, the woman had about 40 dogs on a subdivision lot.  The barking was horrific.  She went around to other yards and stole dogs, brought them home, strays, puppies born to unaltered bitches, etc.  It was horrific.  She was really happy when she found she got to keep 9 per city ordinances and the humane experts were begging her to let more go.  She wanted to keep the "fun" ones, and they kept saying, let these go, they will be adopted, but that blind old dog will not.  Keep him.  The humane people were massively frustrated dealing with her and I could see why. 

This is one reason, if I could only keep 2 cats I would keep Torbie (old) and Biscuit (special needs).  Their odds of adoption would be dismal. 

And her poor neighbors!  The stench!  The noise!  When they got the house cleared out of course it was destroyed. 

This all reminds me I need to put the Community Cat Project into my cell phone, I will do that and come back.  Well, it copied the whole page but you get the idea, and they are totally onboard with the ideal of being Cleo's taxi to getting fixed, vax, and tipped.  

Ron would be upset if he knew about the ear tipping so I will not tell him.  It is a small price to pay for her being altered and having a great life.  And I have to think rubbing her tail against my foot, repeatedly (not an accident she walked under repeatedly) is a positive sign of progress.  She can be an indoor pet.  Ron and I have the time and motivation to coax her.  

So positive progress.  He wants to lock all the other cats in a bedroom (!) and sit in the doorway, try to coax her.  Who knows, it might work.  I did put his pillowcase in her sleeping area so she knows his scent.  My pillow case is down there now.  

It is possible, after we get Cleo done, we could work on trapping other cats if they will pick them up.  The neighbor (not fluent in English) told me she feeds about a dozen and they keep having babies, so we need a TNR in my subdivision.  If I accidentally alter someone's pet so be it, we have too many cats running around as it is.  I wouldn't feel bad about that, I have done it before.  

There was a slow lady living down the street from us.  She was always one of those confrontational types, taking offense at everything, etc.  Ron used to flirt with her just because it would get her upset.  She lived in a tiny studio on her housing voucher.  Anyway, one day a white cat shows up at our door.  It's a female, I name her Sugar.  We fed her, she came in the apartment and stayed a few days, went into heat.  We took her to get fixed and they found she was already pregnant (not far along like Mama was).   They ended that.  We took her back and nursed her back to health.  One night she wanted to go out and we never saw her again.  The next time we saw the slow woman on the bus she said she was really happy "Snowball" came back, she had been missing for a few weeks, and we realized Sugar was her cat.  And we got her altered.  I did not feel bad at all about that, her caseworker should have made sure the cat was fixed.  An unaltered female is just going to litter.  She said she was so happy to have Snowball back and that was the end of it.  Just out of curiosity, I asked the woman if her landlord would allow her to have more than one pet and she said no.  So we saved her getting evicted, too.  

So, if this works out, I can be the trapper for TNR in my subdivision.  I can't talk to the other woman about it due to English and she was basically saying she only wanted to feed them, no more.  I, on the other hand, have no problem altering strays.  

We will see how it works out.  I do have a trap and a resource, and these guys are with Best Friends if you know them.  If it works out getting Cleo done I will give them a check (not huge, but what I can do).  

Speaking of apartments, Torbie loves the top shelf of the apartment in the new cat tree.  Loves it, rolls around, so satisfied.  I am just happy someone likes it because no one else will go near it.  It also has two nice scratching panels on the side, they will love that once they get used to it.  She knows it is not for her and that just makes it delicious.  

Mama cat is found more often on the old condo, with the shelves.  I played with Spotty a lot today.  To the person who was worried he was sick, he is not acting it.  He is very energetic and doing all sorts of acrobatics after his toy.  Mama cat appreciates the break.  

I don't care who goes where as long as they are all happy.  


Anonymous said...

“There was a slow lady living down the street from us. She was always one of those confrontational types, taking offense at everything, etc. Ron used to flirt with her just because it would get her upset.“

So much for choosing Ron because of his good heart.

Anonymous said...

You had money to buy yourself clothes but nothing to spend on Spot who needs medical attention for diarrhea?

Heather Knits said...

I spent $40 on myself. It is a $40 ride to and from the vet. And it is a clothing item I needed. I am not going to be made to feel guilty for that. I don't know what your vet charges but I would say base rate on mine starts around $100. That I do not have.

Spot has loose stools but is very healthy and active. I know what a sick cat looks like. He is nursing on his mother, pestering her, playing with toys, napping comfortably, not using the box very often... he can wait.

Heather Knits said...

Ron likes to tease, always has. I think it is cute. She was obese, hairy (facial hair), not well bathed, etc. and Ron would flirt with her to make her feel desirable. Even the most desperate man would not have gone after this woman. I thought it was cute, he also flirts with very old women and they eat it up.

Anonymous said...

My vet is expensive. And you HAD $40. That could have gone to the $100 bill. And Spot has loose stools therefore IS NOT HEALTHY. just because a cat acts normal isn’t indicative of overal health. You should know being a cat owner for so long that cats are known to hide illness. My cat was dying of cancer and only one symptom brought us to the vet. He seemed perfectly normal otherwise.

Heather Knits said...

Let's be clear, Spotty is not dying. He has loose stools. From what I have read it is extremely common with new diet/living situation. Torbie (much older) had the same issue when she first came to live with us, it cleared up. The other cats have not changed their products. There is no blood, no straining. Just a cute little fart noise on occasion.

The way I see it the #1 job right now is getting Cleo fixed and in the house, ESPECIALLY as there is a tom cat hanging around. That is goal #1 this week. Also getting my filling done before it turns into a root canal. I spent well over $500 on the cats this month and make only about twice that.

I did call the vet, said Spotty had loose stools, was it a good idea to give probiotics. She said yes, absolutely, and suggested a brand (Purina). I am giving those faithfully. They did not say it was a medical emergency or ask me to bring him in. This is a person who has vast more training than I do.

I will get him looked at but there is a line. IN the meantime, I am not getting my hair and nails done, I never do. Hard to believe but I am taking care of him.

FYI one thing all my cats have had in common when bad off - lethargy. Spotty is anything but.

Anonymous said...

"Ron likes to tease, always has. I think it is cute. She was obese, hairy (facial hair), not well bathed, etc. and Ron would flirt with her to make her feel desirable. Even the most desperate man would not have gone after this woman. I thought it was cute, he also flirts with very old women and they eat it up."

That is cute and fine! The way you described it in the post made it sound like Ron was being mean/trolling her.

Heather Knits said...

I don't think he was being mean. She would sigh, roll her eyes, etc. But if I didn't tell him she was on the bus she would come over.