Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Most of Tuesday

I slept well last night, with Torbie and Biscuit.  I got up around 8 (slept in) and fed everyone.  Ron went to bed and slept until around 2. 

His alarm clock died.  It is very old and does not look good, aesthetically speaking, it is covered in smudges from finger marks, etc.  I believe it is not working anymore, he thinks it needs batteries.  But none of my AA batteries worked.  It could be I have bad batteries.  It could be the alarm is bad.  Could be both. 

Ron basically asked me to "fix" it but wasn't clear on what he wanted done.  So, I bought a new alarm clock.  The old one is probably on it's last leg if it is working.  So I figured we were about due.  I had found one last night, very good reviews, $14, looked like what he wanted. 

So I got that.  Later on I remembered I wanted to get a battery tester and got that.   Good for the economy, today. 

I didn't like the battery selection on Amazon so I went to Walmart grocery website.  I got Ron some batteries.  I had to get the total up to the $30 minimum.  I got some rose shampoo I have been meaning to get for a while, but forgot, cat things, TV dinners for me, and some chips. 

Normally I get the option to choose a delivery for tomorrow or days after, "today" is always booked, it seems.  I was shocked to see they still had some slots available for today and selected one for this evening.  That set I logged off for a while. 

I took a nap.  Biscuit has a terrible new habit of sleeping on the floor next to my bed.  I stepped on him, getting up.  I felt horrible about that and kept apologizing to him.  No lasting harm.  But I still feel horrible.  I have a very soft heart when it comes to the cats. 

Ron was up and we talked some, I got him to eat a "Backyard BBQ" tv dinner, he liked it a lot and wanted to get more.  That's great because they have a good variety of vitamins and minerals, about 300 calories, decent amount of protein.  He could do a lot worse. 

I cleaned the litter boxes as Spot watched and took that out to the trash, took some trash out to recycle, Ron thanked me for doing all that and meant it.  Ron at his best can be very appreciative. 

I am watching Criminal Minds basically waiting for my delivery.  The Amazon stuff comes tomorrow.  One way or another Ron is getting an alarm clock.  I got Ron and the cats fed.  Ron had some good times with the cats today.  He thanked me for that, too "I couldn't have cats without you".  He could, if he had a helper, but yeah, he's right. 

The other day he wanted to help clean the litter box (Ron at his best is helpful).  I got him set up (Oh, by the way, I found the XL gloves in the first aid section of Walmart), and he dropped a big pee-chunk on the floor, making a much bigger mess.  He couldn't do it.  Both of his hands are messed up so we just  gave up on him doing it.  I don't mind cleaning it daily, if I let it go longer is is much harder. 

I also made a reservation for Biscuit at "camp" (vet boarding).  He is a good boy and I think he will do better overnight, while I'm gone, at the vet.  That way I can put down some delicious canned food, some dry, don't have to worry about leaving it overnight because it doesn't matter.  Then I can pick Biscuit up the next day.  It won't be much cost for peace of mind. 

Ron went back to bed, still talking about the delicious TV dinner.  Earlier he had asked me what I wanted for my birthday next month.  I told him a Kindle.  He wanted to buy me the top of the line version but I told him a simpler model was what I really had in mind.  So we will see but it looks like I am getting a Kindle. 

Ron can get upset around my birthday, especially if funds are low, because he feels like he has to get me something fancy and of course I don't need that.  I am happy with a simple life and my cats.  But I can use a new Kindle because the old one is losing battery life, and needs a charge pretty often.  But I have had it for almost 10 years now so not a surprise. 

Now I just wait on my delivery and hope they get it right.  Last time I tried to get batteries from Walmart delivery they were out of stock, as there was a storm in the gulf.  I am hoping I get something approximating the batteries I ordered.  It is not super urgent as we are getting the new alarm clock tomorrow. 

Ron found an old alarm clock under his bed and I had a look at it, it had a switch alarm or rooster.  I remember the rooster, it was an earsplitting crowing noise that just went and went.  It was horrible and I always wanted to throw it out the window!  I finally forbade Ron from using the rooster setting.  That one is dead too but we reminisced over that. 

The new alarm clock does not, I believe, have a rooster switch.  I don't tend to get very upset about a lot of things lately but that did! 

Never know who might read this so I will just state facts: when talking to landlady next door she said "they pissed in the toilets after the water got turned off" and asked permission to access my hose (which is out front) to get enough water to flush.  "About 10 gallons" she said.  I figured 10 gallons was not a lot to spend on good will.  So of course I said yes. 

She has not turned their water on again even though they are having ongoing repairs.  So every day they are coming over and "borrowing' my water.  Never for very long but daily for over a week.  What are they doing if one of the workmen needs to have a bowel movement? 

I am not upset about it, just a little baffled.  It is not hard to pay the bill over the phone.  I did that last week, I told you about it.  I still have water so it obviously went in their system. 

I just feel bad for the workmen.  I would never deprive a worker access to a toilet unless he was there to repair the toilet (only one in my home). 

About the counters - my house is a mess.  I have always been clear on that.  Ron said, "Keep the pathways clear, and don't put your stuff in 'my' areas"  I do that.  He is pretty messy himself, if I put up a picture of his room you would log off.  I have a tiny kitchen (about 40 square feet) and bathroom.  Ron can barely fit the wheelchair in there, and when it's there it is tub, toilet, wheelchair, door, it's that tight.  But it works for us.  It is just cluttered.  I don't have anything that can harm a cat (lilies, etc).  I have an abundance of litter boxes.  I have 2 water fountains.  Ron always has something to eat.  I am covering the basics but not more than that. 

I will also remind you I have some things stacked against me:
1.  Brain damage.
2.  Nasty depressions
3.  Brain fog from medications
4.  Fatigue from medications
etc.  Some days I just don't have it to sweep and mop again. 

A good example is a photo I took today, I will post it later.  Mama cat, nursing Spot.  He is almost as big as her and he's still nursing.  But the floor is not perfect.  I still took the photo. 

It is a big pain to upload photos right now, blogger app won't let me do it anymore so I have to plug in and do it "hardline".  I will get it later though. 


Anonymous said...

I would stop letting her use your water now. She said it was one time and now it is a week. She is taking advantage at this point. No excuse not to have the water turned on. I believe it is mandatory to provide water.

Anonymous said...

Throw out the two broken alarm clocks. Do one thing a day in regards to getting the hoard and clutter under control.

Heather Knits said...

I will throw away the dead ones when he gets the new one working, he will freak otherwise.

She has said she is replacing the fence down the property line, and cutting down a problem tree on my side. I don't want to mess that up by bitching about a few gallons a day. My current bill is about $25 a month so I can take it.

Anonymous said...

Why will he freak - they are literally broken? Let him freak

Heather Knits said...

He doesn't like me touching his stuff. I feel the same way, I don't want him messing with mine, and overall he does a good job of that even when drunk. But he will surrender the dead clocks, if asked, when presented with a new working one. So basically just waiting on Amazon right now.

Anonymous said...

Those dead clocks will remain in a pile at the foot of his bed along with everything else, the cat litter, hair, Rons urine... less room for the exploding cat population.

Anonymous said...

He's blind and drunk most of the time. He would have no clue you threw away broken alarm clocks or half the garbage in his room - start under the bed and do it when he is passed out in the kitchen or hallway.

Heather Knits said...

I'm going to need a rabies, tetanus, and probably a cholara immunization before I reach under that bed!

Anonymous said...

I hope the cats cant get access to the area under his bed!

Heather Knits said...

It's actually the side of his bed, between bed and wall. Foot of the bed is cluttered but only one layer deep. Side of the bed is horrific. And this is after we did some purging some time ago. Side/under bed = very bad. Front of bed, too. Next time I get manic I will go after his room again.

Happily, with all the other litter boxes, the cats are not using the one in his room.

Heather Knits said...

They could get under there but they don't. Right now Mama has been hanging out under my chair in the front room. I need to get her some sort of "cave" she can hang out close by. Big enough for 2 because Spotty is very bonded to her. 3. 'Cause Cleo. It'll give me something to look for. They (new guys) know about the cat trees but not interested, they are more cave dwellers.