Tuesday, August 27, 2019

It's here

I laid down for a little bit with Biscuit, rested about an hour, got up.  Ron was still drunk in the kitchen, trying to heat up a TV dinner.  I helped him with that.  I went to do up my pills for the next 2 weeks. 

I find it simpler to use a pill organizer rather than a bunch of bottles "Did I take that?"  The few times I have needed an antibiotic I have found it helpful to just put them in the organizer.  So I do it up every 2 weeks. 

I have a box of pills, I take it out, set it next to my chair, I have the organizers open.  I fill each compartment and put the prescription bottle on the floor.  When I am done I gather all the bottles on the floor and put them back in the box. 

I had pretty much just started when I realized I was out of Risperdone.  That is a problem, it is an antipsychotic and keeps bad symptoms at bay.  I had enough for 3 days. 

Well, crap! 

I called the pharmacy because my doctor has made the "request a refill" process pretty painful, and the pharmacy never called Ron so clearly it didn't work.  I called the pharmacy to request they ask for a refill.  And, what I take, they're going to give it.  No one wants me running around delusional and hallucinating.  That's just a bad day for everyone. 

And the pharmacy said "It's already here".   Well.  I asked if they could hold it 'till Thursday, because tomorrow I have work and cat - that's not happening.  They said sure. 

I hung up and thought about it.  Why couldn't I get it today?  I called Arturo and he started over.  Ron said he wanted some more TV dinners.  He likes the chicken fried steak bowl and the backyard bbq.  I told him I would get that. 

Arturo pulled up and we headed off.  There was a lot of traffic for 2 PM.  He dropped me and I said I would give him "first crack" at my ride home, he said OK.  He is very easy going. 

I headed to the pharmacy.  I was expecting trouble but met none, they had it, I checked it, 2 mg, 90 pills, $10.  Alright.  I put it in my tote bag.  I got some protein bites, they are really good and a lot better than junk food, plenty of protein. 

I also set up text alerts for my medication, at the pharmacy.  When it comes in I get a text.  Great.  For some reason they had been calling Ron. 

While I was there I looked, and found a case of Diet Mountain Dew bottles (four six packs).  I quickly snatched those up, the one thing I can't get delivered. 

I did not look in the cat section.  I guess that makes me a deficient cat lover. 

I went over to the freezer section and got Ron a couple each on the dinners.  They have a good amount of protein so I am happy to feed those.  Kind of like those kale + fruit squeezie things they have for babies.  Don't tell Ron! 

I also got myself a pint of ice cream, risky if Arturo couldn't pick me up but I figured I would try.  Worst case I would be out a pint of ice cream and a few dollars.  They had one I can eat, Krazy Kookie Dough.  It is sugar cookie batter in ice cream.  It's very good and not a migraine trigger. 

I didn't have much cash so I checked out.  I literally had $2 besides what I was going to pay for my ride home, after paying my total.  Good thing I didn't go wandering.  That is fine, Ron gave me a lot of money for Cleo (over $300) so I am not going to put my hand out. 

I called Arturo thinking PLEASE PLEASE and he said yes, he could get me.  I waited inside the lobby, where it was cooler, until a few minutes before his estimated arrival time.  The timing worked out really well.  I really only had the one tote bag plus the ice cream and TV dinners in another small tote.  I went in the front door, no problem. 

The cats are pretty smart; they know they will never have it as easy as they do in our home.  I found Ron in bed, his cell phone in 3 pieces on the kitchen floor (cover, battery, phone).  I will give it to him when he sobers up and asks for it. 

I just hope he didn't cancel the credit card today, I couldn't understand him on the phone.  We will see tomorrow.  The bank sent me a security code?!  Ron used to say "Ay yi yi" a lot after his accident and the phrase comes to mind now. 

But he got to bed safely so there's that.  Torbie is laying on my foot.  Cleo is doing well at the vet (I called to check on her). 

I will be glad when tomorrow is over (big delivery at work, then Cleo).  I am still waiting on my grocery delivery. 


Anonymous said...

I think you already had some diet mt dew on the floor by your tv chair

Heather Knits said...

Never enough Diet Mountain Dew. So good cold in the morning. Let's just say I have "plenty" now.

Anonymous said...

Yes I was going to mention about the diet mt dew already in the house too.