Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tuesday morning

Unfortunately I trapped Cleo right at rush hour.  And there was  a wreck on the freeway, Alex was over an hour getting to me.  That was interesting, Mama cat came over and said hello, did that "Mommy Meow" at her, Cleo calmed down (so glad I am keeping the whole family), Spot went right over, played with her through the cage, sat on top of the cage.  I rained a few treats down and Cleo ate them (she was not having her procedure today), Biscuit came by and sniffed, so did Torbie. 

A lot of yelling at first but she settled down and sat in a corner with her paws tucked underneath.  Cleo looked very cute.  She had a lot of vocalizations but not a lot of hissing. 

And we waited, and waited.  Ron got in his wheelchair and came up to say hello.  He stuck his finger in the cage.  About that time Alex showed up. 

We went to the vet.  Boy, she was yelling.  I am amazed the receptionist was able to carry on with her phone call.  She calmed down pretty quick, and the office cat (a tortie) came to say hello.  The tech set up a cage and the receptionist checked me in.  They had started a profile for Cleo so it wasn't hard to finish.  They thought she was gorgeous and adorable.  I was just so happy I had her in the office. 

Once I signed the consent I went back out to Alex.  They have a gas station next door so we went over there and I got a snack, then we went home.  I came in and told Ron. 

He said he had gotten his pain pills mixed up with his cat treats but had sorted them out now.  He must have taken one as he seemed dull and is drooling a lot.   Now he is on the phone with the bank, very angry I cannot put his number out on the internet and find out if he has a balance.

I told him that is a banking app, and I won't use those because I do not feel my computer is 100% secure.  The wrong person gets that information no mortgage payment or autopays.  That is BIG TROUBLE.  So, no, I won't use banking apps.  Not on my desktop, not on my cell phone.  I don't even have email on my cell phone.  Because people can get it.  If you lose your phone, if your phone is stolen, if you pick up a friendly little virus... all your money gone.  No thanks. 

He was too altered to use the over the phone feature but he was talking to someone a while back.  He said he wanted to know if he "owed anything on the business credit card".  We do not have a business credit card.  We have a personal credit card and we just paid that off. 

Disturbing.  He continues to drink.  I told him it might be a good idea to wait on the banking until tomorrow.... sigh.  Now he is making noise in the kitchen and I just want to hide in a ball somewhere.  There go the pain pills on the floor.  I hope he had the cap on. 

The pain doctor made it really clear in the contract he will not replace pills that are "lost or stolen".  It is exhausting living with him. 

At least Cleo is getting fixed, and will be safe.  I am very happy for that. 

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