Thursday, August 29, 2019

I just blew up at Ron about savings

He wanted to know "why we had to go when we can just take it out of savings".  I said I am DONE taking money out of savings "Because you never pay it back". 

What's the big deal?  I blew up at him and told him you had THIS much a couple years ago, now you have 1/10 that.  That is for AN EMERGENCY and not for personal "loans" that never get paid back. 

"Why is it so low?" 

"Because every time I asked you to pay it back you said NO" but he has $100 to spend on vodka and another $40 for Arturo going to and from. 

He said something about my pay, I said I will wait and see if we have enough on Tuesday but for damned sure we are not taking inventory money or my pay out of savings.  Because it NEVER GETS PAID BACK. 

Tried to say it was MY fault "Because I didn't ask".  I shouldn't have to BEG.  Saving should be a personal priority.  And when I did ask he said NO.  I figured, he wants to waste it all let him, he will wake up one day and realize what he did. 

He knows as well as I do I do not take money out for personal things.  I took some out for Biscuit, with his approval, back in February.  That is the one and only time I have ever taken money out for "my" needs.  And Ron is very partial to Biscuit so I know he would have done it without me. 

But EVERY time I asked him to pay it back he said no.  He wanted money to eat out, buy vodka, pay for cab rides because he didn't want to ride paratransit.  But NEVER a penny for savings. 

Now he knows it is almost gone and I hope it makes him think the next time he does have some disposable in his hand. 

Considering Ron is now so lazy he doesn't even want to go out, he should have enough to spare $100 every month or so to build it up.  That's no cab ride and no meals out since he stays home and sleeps all the time (or listens to TV while drinking vodka).  Vodka is his only real expense. 

I buy the groceries, sometimes he pays me back for that (if it is a small expense I don't worry about it).  But he has a lot more money than I do, RECKLESS AND STUPID wasting it all, bleeding our savings, and then points the finger at ME when I say it's almost gone? 

I was sorry I was yelling with Cleo in the house but I felt it was important. 


Anonymous said...

Good for you. I think you need to insist that how ever often he gets paid a certain amount needs to automatically go into savings. That is both of your cushion for emergencies and it is terrifying to not have something saved. I know you have your homeowners insurance where you pay it yearly but maybe check into having it included in your mortgage payment so it is taken care of and no scrambling to pay it every year.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are having such a rough time. Hope Cleo is adjusting. Asking God to bring you His peace as you deal with things.