Friday, August 23, 2019

Maybe I am being too sensitive.

It is my stepsister's birthday.  I wish her well.  She was always pretty decent to me.  And I wasn't an easy little sister.  She actually once said he wanted me to take her cat because I took such good care of mine.

That's not the problem, like I said, we at least tolerate each other, on my side I like her.  I wonder why none of my stepsibs have a cat now but that's just me.  They're all dog people.  That's really the only big question I have.

They are happy to go on vacation in my town and let me find out on Facebook, that is OK, I am not "fun" in the cruise sense as I go to bed early every night, don't drink, don't gamble.  I am pretty tethered in my life to say the least and am lucky to break free for one or two days.

That said, someone played a lot of favorites as I grew up.  I will not name names.  As a result I am very careful with the cats, even.  I don't tell Biscuit he is my "Favorite" boy anymore, I tell him he is my "First" boy and praise him for being such a good uncle to Spot.  I even call him "Uncle Biscuit".   I often pet them and say 'I wish you were my cat".  They are, of course, I like saying it though. 

I do my best to give every cat the attention they want, make sure everyone is getting enough food (Ron takes care of treats), petting, etc.  I make sure everyone has a litter box that suits, some prefer a low box even though they are KICKERS and throw litter all over my tile floor.  Everyone is equal, that's my goal.  I love them for being themselves but I appreciate the differences.  That's why I didn't fawn over Mama and Spot when I brought them in.  I gave them the same attention everyone else got.

I do have to do special feedings with everyone as Biscuit is on a restricted diet.  So I "favor" some cats with wet food and the "good" dry while he is stuck eating his prescription (which even Spot likes, and Biscuit is so generous he shares his food with Spot).  I am sorry for that but that is health reasons.

Anyway, you know how it is on Facebook, it can't wait to tell you it is someone's birthday.  And, sure enough, someone had written on her wall, how she was "always the sparkle of the family".  What the hell does that make me?  The black cloud of gloom?

EDIT: fell over it again when I went on Facebook: "You've always been the sparkle in our family!!!"

I am telling myself, and will, get over it but it's like, really?  You didn't think that through, how other people would feel when they read it.  And I don't even call Biscuit my favorite boy anymore.

So feel free to tell me to get over it.  That's what I am telling myself.


Anonymous said...

Get over it. Your entire family is a bunch of a-holes. There I said it for you. If you don't talk on the phone with your step-sister you basically have no adult relationship with her and therefore no reason to care one way or another if she is in your area or not. If it wasn't for facebook you would never know she was in town. I hate facebook.

Even your parents with their (only call once a week nonsense). Mine are the same way only calling once a week and talking for only 5 or 10 minutes. They never said don't call us more than once a week but they never make an effort to call more than that. Maybe because they are boring and have nothing to talk about. Who knows. Who cares at this point. It is what it is.

Anonymous said...

My dad played favorites and even told me the day I was born was the worst day of his life. Can you top that?

Heather Knits said...

@ Born, I can't. I will say my birth mother attempted suicide by gun, when pregnant with a child some time before my Dad came along (previous marriage). That had me a little freaked and helped me understand why my Dad NEVER allowed an overnight with her.

Heather Knits said...

@ first comment, I need a thicker skin.

Anonymous said...

When are you going to bring Cleo in? The longer you wait the worse it is for her.

Anonymous said...

I can understand given the history how that could bother you. To be honest, the best thing for your emotional well being would be to either block, hide or unfriend the sister, or delete facebook (I prefer deleting facebook- been off it since 2015 and it was the best decision. Still have other forms of social media to use)

Anonymous said...

You are missing the point. You dont even really like them so who cares.

Heather Knits said...

@ Cleo, I need to figure out where I am going to get up the trap. Simplest would be to do it on the porch but higher risk of bad guy.

Spot has the runs. I need to get that done pretty soon too. Apparently I can't buy wormer on chewy? So into vet for Spot.

I imagine that would suck pretty bad for Cleo to get the runs right after a spay.

Anonymous said...

Spot should have been taken to the vet at the same time as momma cat to be checked out. He is probably is getting sick from ALL the treats he is being given and if he is eating people food that could cause it also (did you know cats can die if they eat onions or garlic or eat foods that have those ingredients in it).

I am disappointed in your lack of care for Spot at this point as you never take a stray in without first getting them vetted and having them around "cats who have been indoors and known to be disease free."

It is not as complicated as you are making it out to be with trapping Cleo. But you are not really one that takes initiative (for example the door at the bank). The more you delay the worse it is for Cleo. You need to do the trapping on a day when you are home so you can check it periodically so the little psychos can't torture her when she is most vulnerable.

Heather Knits said...

Money is an object. Spot is fine, just a little "loose". He is not eating people food, sometimes he likes to smell it is all. Vet said probiotics were great for both of them (him and Mama) so I have been giving those faithfully. It isn't clearing up so I will get him done. He probably just needs a wormer. He sure has plenty of energy, appetite, drinking water, always gets to the box in time, etc. so not worried.

About Cleo I do have issues. #2 is fixing up the house, very noisy, workers, scares her off, on the days we are home. But they plan to move in on the first, I'd imagine. She hates the backyard so I will have to trap out front, sitting nearby so I can run off little sh*theads. I also need to coordinate with the spay guys so they can have a volunteer on call to be her taxi to the operation.

And, as I've said repeatedly, she will be coming into the house after her spay. I never knew about digestive issues, all my rescues have been fine in that regard. This is the first one I've had with an issue in over 20 years. He is bright and healthy so I am sure he can wait until I get paid. I will probably take him in with his mother when she gets her second round of shots in a few weeks.

Anonymous said...

Diarrhea in cats can mean many things and shouldn’t be ignored (and I’m currently dealing with it in my senior
Indoor cat). Can’t you put it on that charge card of Rons, and pay it off when you “get paid” from Ron. I don’t think this should wait. You can’t assume it’s parasites. Also if it IS parasites it’s infecting ALL THE OTHER CATS. Hopefully whatever it is isn’t contagious. I do hope it turns out ok for all.

Heather Knits said...

I will talk to Ron when he sobers up.

Anonymous said...

She won't listen. It doesn't matter.