Saturday, August 31, 2019

Most of Saturday

I expected a lot with my hormonal change to menopause.  Weight gain, etc.  Weird cycles. 

I NEVER figured on the migraines.  Never.  I had 2 this week around my cycle (which was a week late again, fine with that but those headaches have got to go!).  Bad ones. 

The kind of migraine where I am popping Excedrin and pouring caffeine down my throat.  Just miserable.  And I am done talking about it. 

I got up, took a shower (didn't wash my hair, it was OK), fed the cats, cleaned the boxes.  Noted Biscuit took a little while peeing, but did produce quite a bit of urine.  I talked to Ron again about the importance of making sure he only eats his prescription.  Ron is totally on board. 

We went to the warehouse, bought supplies.  Ron gave me what was left as an advance on my pay.  We went to work, stocked, stored, etc. 

Headed out... long wait on our ride, then she passed us up.  "I thought you were at the welfare apartments down the road".  Not us. 

But there are a couple of clients who live there, all of them difficult.  One likes to bring large amounts of junk to dialysis (I understand a shoulder bag, blanket, and pillow but not more than that) - so much so one time there wasn't room for us.  I don't know why the driver/dispatch didn't simply say "You can't bring all this crap" and give her the choice to leave it or wait for another ride. 

But it was a straight trip.  She had heard of a place that had $2 gas and went out of the way to the station to fill up.  The gas station across the street was selling it for $2.06 and was empty.  I would have gone to the empty station.  Instead we had to wait in line to pump, pay, and then get out.  Ron got carsick on the way home and almost vomited. 

But Biscuit, Spotty, and Mama cat greeted us at the door.  Always nice to see a smiling face at the door.  I got Ron into bed, he hunched over in front of a fan gasping with nausea.  Sometimes it is bad, sometimes it isn't. 

I was feeling pretty worn out so I went to bed.  Torbie and Biscuit seem to own my bed.  I had a good nap with them but woke up with a renewed headache.  It isn't anything I ate so it's got to be hormonal.  My body is trying to figure out it's time for the cycles to stop, hormones running amok. 

I don't have any mood issues out of that - medication takes care of that I suppose.  I had hot flashes about 10 years ago, pretty bad for a few years but none recently.  No night sweats.  But the migraines around my cycle are fairly new and unwanted. 

I drank some caffeine, that helped.  I used some catnip spray in the "house", it worked, Torbie is in there right now.  She just didn't like the smell of it, before.  It did have sort of a chemical odor.  Now I know to use the spray. 

I plan to get rid of the trashed suitcase (clawed up) and get some sort of house over there for the cats too.  They will enjoy that and that way everyone has a perch.  Not a big one, just a couple feet tall with a  few shelves and maybe a compartment.  But something fun. 

I very seldom spend much money on myself.  It is notable I bought both a single nightgown and a two pack of bras this month. 

I am not hungry but we are thinking pizza later.  I am pretty tired and worn out from the headache.  I will probably order it after the 6 PM phone call.  I also need to sweep the floor, I have low boxes (kittens, and post surgery cats) and they are kickers.  They could be on a sports team they are so good at it. 

I don't mind, it is not an issue as I see it.  But I do need to sweep.  I try to keep the floor "Would I want to walk on this in bare feet?" ready.  If I would walk on it barefoot it is "fine".  It is not fine now. 

No poop or anything, just clean dry litter.  But a tile floor is pretty easy to clean. 

I think I will go look at cat houses/trees for a little bit. 


Heidi said...

A friend of mine screwed wicker baskets to her wall (in a stud with Shelving screws ) and then put a cute bright cushion she could wash inside each one. It was freaking adorable the cats each have a basket and use the baskets to climb up they are kind of zig zag I bet if you went on Pinterest it would have something like that floor space taken and it is like a moving art display of kitties

Heidi said...

PS from my own experience and that of some friends and patients who come in with hormonal migraines went crazy for a while and as I told you ..right before my cycle stopped I thought something was wrong was blaming every food everything I did the weather ect ....then literally stopped after my cycles ended. Granted i thought they would NEVER END! But they did. Have hope that yours will too at least the ones obviously related to your cycle

Heather Knits said...

That's what I'm hoping, I'm about done on the cycles. They had been very regular for years and now consistently a week late (running 5 weeks not 4) with a couple of bad migraines in that week. Pretty much every woman in my family had to have a hysterectomy so I don't have any comparison. My birth mother is the only one who stuck it out and she is not with us. Good news I should be clear when my parents visit and we go to Austin for the conference. Nothing worse than bleeding while traveling.

Heather Knits said...

Heidi, I have been thinking about mounting some shelves for them. They have cute things and I have a good handyman. My only concern about doing a high shelf (I have high ceilings in the front room) would be them getting up there when I am trying to catch them and take them to the vet.

But I have seriously considered it. The nice thing about being a homeowner, I can do this.