Wednesday, August 21, 2019

"What is all this crap on the floor?"

Ron had another bad night for pain, but "tried" to be quiet so I have to give him that.  I slept in as late as I could, 8 AM, when an impatient Biscuit started nipping me.  He had been patient long enough! 

Unfortunately for Biscuit, Spot has discovered the location of Biscuit's food bowl, full of delicious urinary SO formula, and will eat it.  Not really fair for Biscuit, Biscuit can only eat the one food but Spot can eat both.  I have it up on top of the kitchen table (actually the cats' table), and that foiled Spotty for a few weeks but he has it figured out now.  Spot's a clever boy with a big appetite - he is going to be huge! 

So, I got up and fed Biscuit.  I mistakenly assumed Biscuit was distracted by his food and opened a can of "Saucy Seafood" for the other cats.  Biscuit immediately went on alert and got a couple bites while I was scraping food out of the can. 

Vet has said NOT to do that - but it is very hard if Biscuit takes a fancy, he will bulldoze his way to a few bites.  I may have to start putting Biscuit up in the bathroom when I feed "other" foods.   Vet said don't let him eat other foods.  He could get blocked, and "I can't always save them".  So I felt pretty horrible about the whole thing. 

The other cats did enjoy it, I will have to feed it when I go out of town next month, after I get Biscuit in his carrier for the vet. 

Ron was in the kitchen drinking, wanted some kratom.  I gave him some.  He kept grunting at me with a mouthful of vodka.  I told him "I don't speak grunt" and "Talk to me with words".  He got very aggravated but swallowed the vodka and told me he only wanted 3 capsules.  I put the others away. 

Mama cat wanted to go in the garage.  It is attached to the house and we always keep the door to outside, down.  It was relatively cool so Ron said OK (he is paying the electric).  I opened the door and propped it with a dumbbell.  Mama and Spotty went out for a while.  Biscuit came over to investigate and suddenly got sick all over the tile floor. 

I was so happy.  It is not in him anymore, and it can't make him sick.  Yes, I had a huge puddle of yuck, but he did it on the tile floor and was showing no interest in it.  We have one cat, who will remain un-named, who will occasionally "sample" things that have been thrown up.  But that cat isn't Biscuit. 

I got some Method cleaner because, years ago, I had a problem with generic brand disinfecting wet wipes causing Torbie huge, raw, hot spots.  It was awful, so I am very careful what I use.  I use Method spray and Lysol Clean and Fresh Multi-Surface Cleaner.  Both work for the cats.  A friend gave me a huge stack of industrial paper towels he got somewhere and I mopped it up with them, then sprayed with the cleanser and mopped that up.  Good as new. 

Even better, it wasn't in Biscuit going to make him sick.  He is pretty good about eating his prescription food but I know he misses regular food.  But I can't. 

So, really happy Biscuit threw up.  Ron wanted to go back to bed.  He stands up and sidles up the side of the bed, then puts a knee up on the bed, then sags into place. 

He has proven wobbly during the side up the side of the bed phase, and I watched him carefully, but about half a second too slow and he went down on the floor.  Thank God my husband is seemingly made of rubber.  "I'm fine!"  He struggled to rise.  Declined help.  "Maybe I will just sleep down here, what is all this crap on the floor?!"  I reminded him "YOU put it there".  He got up about halfway and then asked for help, I was able to do that and get him into bed OK.  Happily he was not so drunk he couldn't get himself started.  He is fine now. 

But it's a positioning issue.  He has the chair positioned next to his bed.  He uses it when he gets up to use the urinal, he rests his weight on the chair as he does what he needs.  He sidles between the chair and the bed.  Remember I have the wheelchair between us.  So I have 2 things between us, two chairs.  That's what blocked me from trying to catch him when he started to tip. 

I am sure some would say don't help him at all, he is a drunk and deserves whatever happens to him.  If nothing else I am pretty sure I have a legal responsibility to help him.  Definitely a moral one.  But I will decline to help if he is too drunk to assist me and good odds he will fall again and/or I will injure myself. 

Fairly depressed today - seeing Ron like that will definitely do it.  I do love him and I hate to see him struggle.  But nothing I can do - he is damaged and I can't fix that.  I can just help him live with the damage. 

But, after a cleanup, I might have an occupational therapist come in and give us some suggestions for how we could do things so Ron is at a reduced risk of falls.  I don't think we need equipment, where would we put it?  But maybe some ideas on how to arrange/do things.  I knew a couple of OT's and they were very nice women (almost always women).  Something to think about once I get everyone fixed and Cleo in the house. 

Speaking of cats, I need to clean the boxes before I take my shower. 

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