Monday, August 5, 2019


Internet was down for a while - horrible! 

Good news first: the feral cat people are going to work with me on Cleo.  That is great.  I may even get her "done" for free.  Not that I care - I'll pay, I just want her done easily and all at once with minimal stress to her.  I also want her done by a vet experienced with ferals.   Our vet does more house cats. 

I didn't sleep well last night but I didn't wake with a headache.  I drank a diet soda and had a Kratom when I got up - one of the green ones, a blend, "good for energy".  I only took one (a baseline dosage is considered 2).  I did have a nice, non-jittery energy boost, nothing I couldn't handle but helped me get through work and still able to take a nap when I got home.  I would do it again, probably tomorrow. 

Just one, though.  I don't want to get manic.  Work went fine, Ron had very little to do so I put him somewhere quiet while I worked. 

He set up our appointment to go downtown tomorrow, and get his yearly pass.  It will be a long ride but it's only once a year.  Then we come home, drop Ron, and I get Mama cat from the vet. 

I need to call Alex this afternoon (around 5 I think) and set it up for tomorrow.  I plan to have him pick us up, take Mama to the vet, wait while I drop her, bring me back.  Then take me to the vet, wait while I get her (I have had several cats spayed in my life so a good idea what I need to do), bring us home, done.  Easy money for Alex, a huge load off of me. 

I am very independent and need little but transportation!  Always need a ride! 

Ron said today he didn't want me riding the bus.  I told him I always carry my stun gun when I'm on the bus.  I had that one guy last time but I handled him. 

I do need to make a deposit if I can this week. 

Torbie and Biscuit are sleeping with me.  Torbie is fine, Biscuit is eating kitten food any chance he gets.  Please, Lord, don't let him get blocked again.  He is eating his prescription food so hopefully that will prevent issues. 

Baby Girl: still good with Ron (he is her person), sleeping with him, treats, etc.  She got back to eating her actual food today.  I think she has been living off wet food and treats this week. 

Mama cat: doing very well on Royal Canin cat food, her coat is very silky and smoothing out, she is filling out, etc.  Vet quoted me a blood test as part of the spay but I would say she is a lot healthier now.   Poop does not smell now. 

Spot: I gave him a slice of deli turkey last night.  That was a huge hit, he was literally screaming for more and eating so much his little tummy bulged... it was adorable.  He begs whenever I go in the kitchen now (sadly, that was the last slice of turkey, for now).  He is getting very social with both me and Ron, very outgoing and a big talker.  A big eater, too.  I am very proud of him. 

Cleo: I am setting up her future spay/ear notch/ shots with a volunteer agency.  I am really thrilled they want to help.  Now I just have to catch her!  She has been a little elusive the last couple days, I need to stop leaving food on the porch. 

When I got home I had a good nap with Torbie and Biscuit.  I am apparently their human.  I woke up with a horrible headache but some very cold caffeine drinks did the job.  I will do a workout in a little bit.  I already cleaned the boxes and I will just say Mama is doing better on the new food, not cheap but much better in the long run. 

It has been my experience that feeding cheap cat food (except as a treat) = vet bills.  I have very healthy cats if I feed them the good stuff.  Of course they get the garbage treats but I feed a very high quality dry.  I don't think there is a better dry food.  It sure did wonders on Biscuit which is what had me switch. 

Of course it looks like I will be keeping deli sliced turkey now.  I will ask the vet about it tomorrow, for Spotty.  I have a feeling he's going to be a big cat. 

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