Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sunday afternoon

You may know my house is painted a lurid orange.  For whatever reason, the HOA has been fine with this for over 15 years.  I suppose it does count as an 'earth tone".  Years ago, when we had the money to paint, we sent a sky-blue paint chip and a request to paint.  They refused, it had to be an earth tone.  

Our friend Pete has been wanting to paint, and has made some noises lately about coming to do it.  That would be great.  He asked what color and I said gray.  That was specifically mentioned in the letter I got, gray, so I know they will not ding us for it.  It is OK to look at and the neighbors will be praising God.  

Today Pete called and asked if I had any paint supplies.  I told him I have a bucket and a handheld roller with no rolls.  That's it.  Then, as a precaution, I went ahead and put all my giveaway powerades in the fridge in case he shows up.  I would like to offer a nice cold drink, not just water.  

I decided to take a nap.  I didn't really sleep but I enjoyed resting with Biscuit.  He will generally lie down with me.  He has become an excellent, placid, mellow cat.  He loves Spotty and is nice to Mama.  I really have some great cats.  

I did wake up with a headache that never really went away.  I did manage to down some cereal and a protein shake with my medication so everything is on board.  

Torbie is on and off the new cat tree.  Biscuit went in the bottom apartment, got comfortable "Look, even I fit" and got some positive attention from me.  Then he left.  So they are getting more used to it.  I would rather see Mama and Spotty in there vs under my chair but cats do what they want.  I wedged the rockers on the chair so I won't rock on Spotty :( anymore.  I did that twice and felt horrible, he was so far under the chair I didn't see him.  He was fine, just offended.  

I am waiting on my book, hoping it arrives early enough for me to get some reading done.  But it is still "out for delivery".  I will go check again.  Nope, no Cleo either.  

Ron already made the rides for tomorrow before he got very drunk and went to bed.  I was in bed with a headache and I don't know how he got into bed safely.  I guess it is true God looks out for drunks.  We are just going to work and home, then out to dinner much later than normal.  I told him the rides seem to be good after 6.  We will see.  If nothing else it gives me time to call the community cat project about a ride for Cleo, get some advice.  

Everyone is fine.  I cleaned the litter boxes and everyone is moving their bowels normally save Spot.  But he is so lively I am not worried about him.  The times I've had to put a cat down they were very lethargic and uninterested in treats.  Spotty ate quite a few treats earlier, yelled for an early dinner, ate most of a can of food with Mama earlier, etc.  

I do need to take care of my filling, I have been putting it off for a while now.  Happily, Biscuit has been good about only eating his food lately.  I had a talk with him and explained I do not want him with a catheter if we can avoid it, that eating the wrong foods will make him sick, etc.  All done in a very loving way.  I think he got some of it because he did not try to eat the dry food I put down for Spotty and Mama.  I think cats are a lot smarter than we give them credit, and that is one reason some find them so exasperating.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

You are wrong. A cat does not have to be lethargic to be sick. It’s literally all over the Internet about cats hiding illness well. I had a cat have ONE WEIRD SYMPTOM that brought him to the vet. He was normal otherwise. Cancer.

Anonymous said...

I guess trying to lure Cleo in the house failed. I would check with the hoa again before painting just to be on the safe side. Depending on who is in charge the gray may not be approved now

Heather Knits said...

Ron fell asleep, but is awake now. I will see if he wants to try with Cleo.

Many gray houses in the subdivision, and it was specifically mentioned in the letter they preferred "gray or brown".

I believe I will probably come home one day and find Pete up on a ladder, painting.

Heather Knits said...

He is going to the vet just not this minute.