Thursday, August 29, 2019

OK, survey time

Migraine this morning so I will keep it short. 

Please answer in comments, I will post all comments unless hateful. 

Would you rather have cat pictures with messy house, or only a cat  picture if I have just cleaned/no cat picture? 

I am getting a lot of blowback on some of my pictures. 


Anonymous said...

I don't think people are concerned about the aesthetics of the photos...they are more concerned about your health and safety in a hoarded up house.

Anonymous said...

I am all for candid pictures, no need to dress up your surroundings for the picture. No one has a perfect house. I love cat pictures so I vote to keep posting them

THAT SAID- I think your blowback is coming from CONCERN for you by your readers. It’s hard to see the cat when we see how bad your environment is. So naturally we comment on that. I would love to see you get your house organized and cleaned and sanitary for you (not Ron) because I think you deserve that much. I wish you thought you deserved a better environment.

Anonymous said...

Living with a quadriplegic husband of 46 years, you need to know, sometimes you just have time for bare functioning living. You also have to leave things where the quadriplegic or wheelchair bound person can reach things they may need. I think that we all judge people and we are not walking in their shoes. Life is very complicated without all travel arrangements you make to function. I can understand your shopping online...I do a lot of it, I can't leave every day to shop. I also need a lot of supplies on hand to function. It really doesn't matter what other folks think, they are petty minded at best. It is what God thinks that matters...have a great day in the Lord.

Anonymous said...

I would like you to post cat pictures and clean your house.

Anonymous said...

Kitty photos regardless!!! Your house your business but love to see those kitties!

Heidi said...

Frankly I am blown away other people are so rude about your home? It is messy but I have seen far worse! You do you right now do not worry what folks say and yes share photos the hell with the people who can not take it they do not have to look! Wow who is so perfect they can say that someone else’s mess is something they “can not take”

Anonymous said...

I can understand why people are posting. My first impression when I saw your pictures was "Wow, a lot of stuff in there. Oh cats! Adorable!" My place is just like yours - very messy and when I can, I do tidy up. I did find out when I was tidying up that pet hair would be collecting up in the nooks after I moved to our current house so I had to vacuum them up. I used to have sinus issues and headaches. When I started going through nooks and crannies caused by boxes cleaning up pet hair (one black lab and two cats, they shed hair every single day) - I would feel significantly better and was able to do more unpacking and sorting/tossing due to less pain and more energy. It may be similar for you. Any reduction in headaches/migraines is always a plus in my book.

With that said - I love candid pictures. It's more real instead of those magazine-looking photos where everything is super clean. It's never feasible unless you have a housekeeper 24/7. -star_tigress

Heather Knits said...

Heidi, I figured the "cannot take" poster might have OCD and if so it would be painful for them. I remember one time Ron stocked a soda in our glass front vendor, on the "wrong" row, one Sprite in the middle of the Cokes. Someone came and stood over him until he moved it, it upset them that much.

But my Doc says they make the best employees because they always get things right.

Anonymous said...

Where is this “cannot take” and rude poster? I think everyone has been honest here without being rude. Seems like they care about heathers well being instead of just encouraging her to not do anything different/be a victim. The house is past “just messy” and anyone telling you otherwise is enabling.

Anonymous said...

The I cannot take it comment is posted in the dinner blog post before this one on August 28th.