Thursday, August 22, 2019

Not for the squeamish

 Ron woke me up in the middle of the night, drinking and crumpling the empty bottle of water.  "It's stuck" he moaned.  He has had ongoing problems with constipation since starting the pain pills. 

I wasn't happy, I have been suggesting various remedies for a while now and he has declined it all.  I went back to sleep, he finished up,

I woke up, still depressed, got ready for work.  I had a lot of trouble with the toilet today.  It not working.  I functioned fine.  That's all I will say on that. 

I talked to Ron and he asked me to investigate the various remedies at Walmart when I went later.  I discussed a few options and he said they sounded good. 

We went to work = dead, but we took a decent amount of money out of the machines.  We went to the bank.  I had to count the money at the bank - we didn't have time at work, and a teenage boy kept staring at me.  It was nicely air conditioned in the bank but his mother, sitting with him, kept fanning herself with a wooden fan.  I found that odd.  That's not something I see in an air conditioned commercial establishment.  In Ecuador, maybe, I thought, some place with no air conditioning but here?  Just weird.  And her kid was a freak staring at me.  He could see they were ONE dollar bills. 

Finally got it all counted and did our transaction.  We called Arturo.  He came and took us home, I got Ron in the house (no way he can get in by himself), then went right back out after grabbing a handful of treats for Cleo (on the porch). 

I went to my bank, and then Walmart.  I deposited the check from the health insurance, something about last year, and went to Walmart.  I got a couple of items off the list and headed over to the pharmacy area. 

I pitied the poor people who might have overheard the ensuring conversation with Ron about constipation remedies.  Did he want a fiber supplement?  No.  Stimulant laxative?  Maybe, I put it in the cart.  Non stimulant laxative?  Yes.  That went int he cart.  I told him if it were me I would get the glycerin suppositories.  But wait, that one I would need to "help".  NOT getting that, we were both emphatic about that.  One time I had to give Ron an enema and it wasn't pleasant for either of us.  There are just some things you don't want to share with your spouse.  I found the little glycerin capsules that are inserted and said they looked like a do it yourself job.  Ron "I can stick something up my ass" so that went in the cart.   Some of the items chosen work faster than others. 

I read the labels later and the pills say 1-4 capsules at a time.  I am going to start him on one.  He has mobility issues and sometimes it takes him a minute to get where he's going.  So you can envision what could happen.  [big eyes emoji]

I finished my shopping and paid.  I called Arturo - I told him I'd give him first crack at my ride home.  Arturo is very easy going and is unfazed by things like putting up a wheelchair, or a couple of reusable bags full of shopping, things that can really upset other drivers.  I had 4 bags.  He said "20 minutes" and came pretty quick - I don't time him. 

The way I see it, the driver gets there when they get there and I am just thanking God for the ride home with the TV dinners (Ron really liked the Banquet Backyard BBQ so I got a couple more).  He had his son up front, he was very respectful and helpful - something I remembered later on. 

We got home.  I had my garage remote so I opened the door, then we put everything on the floor of the garage.  I had paid Arturo by this point, he left. 

I shut the door and took everything in and put it away.  Mama cat reminded me it had been a while since breakfast.  I gave her a can of Meow Mix chicken, that actually looked pretty good.  Later on I gave Baby Girl a can, it had revolting bits of chicken organs mixed in with chunks of meat.  REVOLTING.  But Baby Girl loved it.  I prefer the cat food to be a pate and all ground together into a bland gray cake.  The worst though are the shreds, they always look like worms to me. 

I gave Ron his stuff and explained the directions.  I used the toilet, flushed, and it made bizarre noises like water was running somewhere else.  I never did figure that out.  I got everything put away. 

I had bought cereal (already had milk) so I had some of that for dinner, it agreed with my medication.  This way I can see if the cereal is a problem, if I get a headache tomorrow I will know it's a no-go.  I was sitting on my computer. 

The computer room is on the south wall of the house, about halfway back, right next to the gate.  I heard a crash and then kid's voices in my yard.  I told Ron "Someone's in the yard" and he began yelling, and they bolted.  By the time I got out they were long gone.  But it must have been the #6 kids.  There are no other kids about that age (10 or so) who speak excellent English (I could hear the language but not the words), on any other side of my house.  They had broken a hole in the fence from the outside, getting access to our yard. 

I was pissed.  I couldn't help but compare them to Arturo's son, who would NEVER break down a fence to get into someone's yard.  What rude little shits.  #2 has assured me she is putting in a new fence so that will be replaced, but what a crappy thing to do - and who is teaching their kids to do this?  That it is OK to break a hole in the fence, "As long as you do it on the side so they can't see it from the street". 

I am sure the question will arise, why didn't they use the gate?  Our handyman built it so it is "hard" for even a full grown adult to open, much less half grown children.  If they wanted to get into the yard they would have "had" to break a hole in the side. 

It is perfectly within our rights to deny access to children, especially ones who have proven to be vandals, unappreciative, ungrateful, demanding, entitled, abusive to small animals, etc.  A meter man is one thing - these kids, no, they have no "right" to our yard. 

For whatever reason their father taught them my yard is their personal playground.  I cut off access about 10 years ago but the older kids still remember the "good old days" when they used to run wild in my yard at all hours of the day and night.  Like I said, I never gave them permission for that.  I said yes to this only "Is it OK if my kid comes sometimes to get his ball?"  That is all I consented to.  But it got so bad I had to send the father a letter.  And send a police officer out to talk to them about kicking the ball off the side of my house. 

Anyway, the mother seems like a nice lady so maybe the father is very abusive indoors away from eyes - because the kids are all just untamed, unmannered, disrespectful, abusive, just not what you hope for when you're raising kids.  Basically, they did everything wrong from what I can tell.  And, unfortunately, they're six of them.  I don't know. 

I almost wish they'd move, but they are at least quiet most nights now.  And they never keep a dog for long so I don't have constant barking.  Other than that I can't see any reason why I'd vote to keep them.  I know the cats would vote for them moving. 

Later on I checked the mail and got the water bill.  We have about a $25 credit so about one free month.   Good to have that off the worry list. 

I am glad I got so much done today, work, bank, home, bank, Walmart.  I don't like Ron's bank, I feel it caters to illegals.  I very seldom see an English speaker there and it is not in a densely spanish neighborhood.  My bank has more variety but I will say I hate the money orders. 

Someone I know once had all his credit cards closed off and sent to collections.  So he didn't have credit.  OK, we can see that.  He wouldn't keep a checking account because he said he couldn't manage one.  This is a person who drives, helps people with VA paperwork, etc.  He is not stupid, I don't know why he doesn't want a checking account.  I told him about my bank with super low fees and really easy to get an account - not interested.  I don't know how he is getting his retirement, pension, check, etc. if he does not have a checking account.  He must have them mail him a check. 

I am very happy with my checking account.  Low fees, really excellent customer service, etc.  I get an email every day with all my transactions so I can stay informed.  I get a debit card.  I get fraud protection, which I have had to use.  I get a new debit card for a small fee when I do have a problem.  I get checks (I have to pay for them).  I get really good customer service.  They are fantastic but they can't turn $1's into $20's.  Other than that they are great.  Overall very happy with them.  So I told this guy and he just waved me off. 

He LIKES going around and paying things with money orders?  Or having to go to the cell phone store and pay more money to pay cash in person?  Never being able to buy things with a debit card?  I don't get it. 

He mentioned recently how he loved having Uber service when his SUV broke, how the mechanic paid for him to have Ubers rather than give him a loaner.  Of course he paid for it when it was settle-up time (they stuck it in the bill, I am sure), but he liked it and felt it was "quality".  This is a guy you would never see n a taxi but he liked Uber.  You can get Uber, if you want (I am a Yellow Cab girl, I feel their drivers get a living wage), with a debit card.  But he's not interested.  He wants to run around on the first and get his money orders. 

Ron brought up, on his own, today how he wants to put me on the credit card.  I think that is only fair.  I told him I didn't want to do it this moment but next time, yes. 

That was I can pay the emergency vet or urgent care (me) if something happens. 

The toilet is still making weird noises when the tank fills but it is flushing OK so I'm going to shelve that worry.  Ron has talked about buying a new one and I may take him up on it.  I am just tired of drama. 

First we have to pay flood insurance, I believe around $1590 this time.  Ouch, that looks horrible typed out.  I will be lucky to get my one night at the (according to Google) two star hotel next month and maybe a Kindle.  We also need to get Cleo done and bring her in the house. 

Kitten Lady had a cute video about trapping ferals, and a TNR cat who had already been through the program (had been spayed and ear tipped) kept tripping the traps, finding all the bait utterly delicious.  I hope it is that easy with Cleo.  I will have to try some sardines and such on her, if those are "yummy" I will get some for bait. 

I just hope I don't catch a raccoon. 

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