Monday, August 26, 2019

She hates sardines

Good thing I did a test run, she detested the sardines, very hungry but wouldn't even lick them.  She is a poultry girl and ate half a can of wet food Mama had not finished. 

I found that one interesting. 


Anonymous said...

Crazy about the sardines.

Anonymous said...

She has to be fasted before you bring her in to be spayed. The humane society is cheaper.

Heather Knits said...

I will only put a small amount of food in the trap. Also, I told the vet I would pay if they had to hold her a day just to make sure she is "clear".

The really funny thing about the sardines, I brought them in the house for the other cats (except Biscuit). And NO ONE wanted them. No one. I I apparently have a pack of mutants. :)

Heather Knits said...

@ Humane society, I do not drive. The Humane society is crosstown and that is probably a good $90 ride each way, not counting waiting time. Say $100 each way, to drop her. Same to go pick her up. That is $400. That is way more than the vet charges.

I only have 2 people who will help me with a cat and they are both cab drivers, that is about $3 a mile. So cheaper in the long run to go to the vet.