Thursday, August 1, 2019

The rest of Thursday

Ron woke me up at some ungodly hour to tell me we would not be working today.  I turned off my alarm and went back to bed. 

I got up and fulfilled my primary function in feeding all the cats. Spot lets me move him away from his mother's (she is a little cranky right now) food, and to his own bowl.  Breakfast was uneventful.   I cleaned all the litter boxes.  Water fountains are fine. 

I decided not to work out (I take 2 days off, a week) and took my shower.  I got dressed, I was going out.  I brought my stun gun.  I got ready to head out and decided the cats needed a nibble while I was gone.  Biscuit was lurking around like one of those huge horses, with the little cats all around him.  I opened up a can of his (expensive) Urinary SO wet food.   Spotty ran towards it eagerly.  I have discovered he loves all things urinary formula - dry and wet.  Biscuit sniffed at him while he ate but didn't object.  I think Biscuit likes him. 

Spot is pretty pitiful at times, so I think Biscuit pities him.  Cleo was AWOL today, if I had to guess the little shithead kids next door probably terrorized her in some fashion and sent her into hiding all day.  I would get her in the house if I could, and I felt it was fair to her.  Right now she would be terrified.  Spot is far more docile and even he is pretty timid. 

I got my stuff and headed out the door.  I went down the main street in the subdivision.  I was menaced by the very aggressive dog in the rental house.  That is not a sturdy fence and the dog has actually broken the fence.  I put my hand on my stun gun as I passed the house, on the other side of the street.  For some reason all the vicious dogs live on the one side. 

And yes, I talked to the police.  I can zap an aggressive dog with a stun gun, if it is attacking me.  Totally legal. 

A rather long wait at the bus stop but I had brought a drink.  Finally got picked up.  I didn't see any disabled today but I did encounter a lot of people riding the bus who had no idea what they were doing, where they were headed, even the most basic of information like "Am I on the correct bus?"  One old man stood next to me, as I sat.  He was wearing a heavy jacket and put his arm up to grasp the safety railing.  Oh, the BO about knocked me out of my seat. 

WHY in Houston do I see so many people in long sleeves/shirt, and COAT in the middle of summer?  It was feels like 100 F on the way home.  Why?  I can understand wearing a uniform for work but many of these people were clearly casual day off. 

I saw a lot of floppy unrestrained breasts under minimal clothing today.  If I had been a man, or a lesbian, I might have found it exciting.  I guess they didn't feel like wearing bras today.  They didn't bother me, I didn't bother them. 

I got off at my stop and walked over to the bank.  Door is still broken but just me today.  I did our transaction, changing $1 bills into $20's.  I was so glad no one on the bus had any idea what I had with me today.  Most of what I got back was my pay, and $100 for Ron which I set aside carefully (he later gave it to me).  A very long walk to the bus stop, and an even longer wait on the bus.  I must have just missed it.  Normally I catch the 86, and have a wait on that.  Today I wanted another bus and I kept seeing one 86 after another. 

My bus finally came.  One woman shoved in front of me (one of the no bra gals) and got on.  I got the seat I wanted. 

We ran the route, all sorts of people got on.  I rang the bell for my stop and the man sitting across the aisle got up.  Now, normally I do not pay attention to other people on the bus.  Some people it is clear they have serious issues that preclude them from driving.  One woman in the back kept screaming periodically, another was shouting into a cell phone, etc.  So I don't look around or stare at the other passengers because NO ONE knows more than me what sort of freaked out crap can lurk behind a normal facade. 

Anyway, I had my backpack next to me on the seat.  I got off, went off to the side, and there's a man, the one sitting right next to me, now off the bus and WAY up in my personal space, close enough to kiss.  I turned and faced him.  The normal reaction would be to back off, and he did, a little.  I put on my backpack, staring at him.  He just stood there waiting for me to turn back around, but I wouldn't.  The bus had left by this point. 

I kept my eyes on him, my face set in a strong expression.  I have been told I have a very expressive face.  "Don't try it"  I thought.  I put my hand in my pocket on top of the stun gun, and took off the safety. 

He mumbled something, turned around, and walked off.  I waited until he got half a block away before turning around.  I crossed the street and looked back.  He was following me.  I took out my cell phone, he backed off again and crossed the busy street.  I crossed as well, keeping him in my line of vision.  He followed me all the way to the store, but not inside. 

Because, guaranteed, he did not want his face on camera for whatever he was planning. 

I bought some drinks and a box of Cracklin' oat bran because that just sounded like the best snack in the world at that moment.  I left, I did not see him.  I went to my bank.  I did not see him.  I made my deposit, careful to keep my cash hidden discreetly. 

I left, keeping an eye out.  I had to cross two streets and wait beside basically a highway.  To go get the cat food.  That is why I find it so funny when readers accuse me of being negligent and uncaring, how many of them would walk around in the heat, hours out of their day on their day off, waiting at bus stops, and carrying cat food home on their back, from the bus stop?  Very few. 

I did not see anyone.  I did see him at the other bus stop.  He was drinking alcohol and jollying around with some people at the bus stop.  The bus came, they got on, he started to get on, got off (I was watching him), looked around, saw me watching him,and meandered off in another direction. 

My bus came.  I got on, he did not.  I rode up to my intersection, got off, crossed a very busy street, walked across a huge parking lot.  I stopped at the Kolache factory, used the bathroom, bought some Kolaches and ate them.  Then I walked over to the pet store. 

All the shopping carts were stuck together, I finally got them loose.  I looked at cat toys and bought a few (the chirping bird, chips when you bat it).    Someone came by and asked if I needed help, I told him yes and he took me to the pet food.  There it was.  I put it in the cart next to the toys and got some treats, then paid (!) and left.  I carried the cat food and toys in the backpack, with the drinks/snack in a tote bag.  I had a pretty good wait, but when it came, it was the same driver.  We chatted a little.  I got off the bus, did not see my transfer bus roaring off as I have so many times!  Not today (but I must have just missed it). 

I looked around and saw no one.  Even no-goods were hiding from the heat, and it had a heat index of over 100.  I waited quite a while on my bus.  Finally!  I got on, rode to my stop.  I watched the bus as I got off, looking to see if anyone got off to follow me (has happened 1 or 2 times, I felt).  No one did.  I started walking. 

I got home and Spotty ran to meet me, meowing.  Adorable.  I fed everyone and put my stuff away.  I tried to take a nap but could not, too many Diet Dr Peppers.  I washed some bedding, have it in the dryer (I will run the load when it is cooler.  Then it's the first of the month so I ran a cleaning cycle on the washer. 

I'm going to go check the mail pretty soon, then fix myself a sandwich for dinner.  The Lunchables (generic brand) were a big hit with Ron, but he kept trying to figure out a way to sell them.  I had to tell him the other vendor already tried that, they didn't do well because they have a high food cost. 

When it comes to cold food, the customer wants:
Very low price ($2.50 max)
Name brand
Big portion

You cannot have all 3.  You can have 2, but not 3.  So we fill it with vienna sausage, protein shakes, and average quality sandwiches.  I did not tell Ron this but lunchables were tried, they were too expensive, no one bought them at the "fair to the vendor" price, when generic brands were introduced at the "low price" the customer didn't want them.  They basically want us to sell premium quality name brands at our cost.  And they are making $50K plus a year.  The other vendor can afford to "eat it", we cannot.  So we have enough to satisfy requirements but no more. 

Not to mention, we have tried buying things at the grocery store and taking them into work.  HUGE hassle, HOURS lost out of every week, hardly any money made, not enough to justify it.  Not to mention I was accused of being "racist in favor of the mexicans" (to my face) because I had some mexican snack foods available for sale - they were cheap, and tasty.  But the white, black, and asian customers felt I was "favoring" the mexicans and it was hurting our sales.  So I stopped.   Customers aren't always logical, at work. 

So no lunchables at work, but Ron loved it and would get it again, he said.  They are cheap, I got generic brand, and have a decent amount of nutrients.  It is a lot better than nothing.  They are not a big portion so he can eat it when he's a little hungry, but not much.  I am pleased. 

I went out and checked the mail, found Cleo under my chair.  She has probably the prettiest markings of any cat I've met, save Bubba and Torbie.  She has mackerel tabby swirls over orange and black patches.  Gorgeous.  She was fearful as always but ate a pretty good amount before she spooked and ran off.  Her water bowl looked good. 

Now it's time for my dinner, I just fed 7 animals so I think I'm due! 


Anonymous said...

I am sure that man was seizing you up as a target. Glad you didn't back down. Predators see niceness as weakness. What will it take for you to call in a complaint about the bank door? A hand or leg injury perhaps? Which could happen. Why wont you get Cleo some sardines in olive oil like I suggested? It might give her more incentive for petting. I hope spot doesn't have parasites too.

Anonymous said...

You only have 6 cats not 7. Unless you are counting Ron as one of animals. Lol

Heather Knits said...

I was counting him. :p Similar care, actually, although the cats are better about grooming.

Heather Knits said...

I am CERTAIN he would have made a lunge for my bag had I given him a chance. He would have been disappointed because I just had my Kindle, an empty water bottle, and my $15 sunglasses. But act like a victim you'll be one, be assertive and bold, make eye contact, don't back down or cower and you won't. Generally!

I forgot about the sardines and I am doing a whole blog on the bank since it seems to be such a hot topic lately.