Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Most of Tuesday

I thought it was adorable, when I got up today I found one of the squeaky mice in my shoe.  A gift from Spotty!  What a sweet little boy.  I can hear him playing with his squeaky mouse in the other room.

Ron decided to go straight to blotto today and began drinking heavily the minute he got in the kitchen, I had to help him into bed later. =----------------------=

More on the gibberish later.  I resented it because today was electively choosing to get wasted and be a burden to me.  After having a pain crisis last night because he wasn't smart about taking his medication.  He never once thought that maybe I would enjoy some peace and quiet without having to pour him into bed or worry about him falling.

But I believe people are basically wired to be selfish, from infancy all a baby thinks about are their needs and getting the parents to fill them.  It doesn't change as an adult, either knowingly or unknowingly I believe we try to get others to give us what we want.  Hell, even cats do it.

So I guess I can't be too surprised.  Ron said he "didn't need" any kratom but I made him take some anyway because I can't do a repeat of last night.  A medical professional once told me it is better to stave off pain than to try and manage it after it's started.

I took a green kratom, just one, because that works for me when I am depressed and unmotivated.  It does not necessarily make things better but it makes the prospect of doing something suck less.  That's always a win.  And one capsule does not freak me out or make me jittery.

I did my workout, had a pretty good one.  At the end, on the swings, my knee was yelling at me.  I listened and stopped, and went on to do my stretching, which happily also helped the knee.  Better not to do it than to force it and hurt myself.  I have a lot of responsibility.

I came in and put everything in the hamper, then took a shower.  My hair was an interesting combination of dry and tangled at the ends, greasy and sweaty at the roots.  I used clarifying shampoo and some conditioner on the ends.

I watched some TV until my hair dried, then I laid down with Biscuit.  To me, something like lying in bed with Biscuit is a "lot of fun".  I don't even need to pet him because he drapes himself over my legs.

Ron woke up not long after that and forgot his promise to "be quiet today".  He turned on his phone, used the talking feature which is very loud, made phone calls, etc.  I finally got up because I wasn't feeling sleepy anyway.

I didn't shout at him.  What's the point?

Ron's making a trip to Walmart tomorrow.  That is unusual for him.

I took out the trash and found a water bill cutoff notice on the door.  I had a week to pay up.  I just mailed it but apparently too late.  I called the company and they sent me a link to the bill pay thing, but the "set up your account on auto pay" really freaked me out because one month we had a broken pipe and a $200 bill.  I called the company and asked if I could just pay with my card over the phone.  They said yes, and did it.

So that's done.  I had waited some time on paying because we take it out of Ron's account and he didn't have the money for a while until the first.

Biscuit got on my computer in the middle of the phone call, did bizarre things to my screen settings, typed the gibberish, and when I shouted at him jumped onto my printer, sending it to the floor.  I wasn't happy.  I had to call them back because I had the phone between my shoulder and ear while herding Biscuit and it went into strange settings as well.

And I found poor Spotty had knocked his squeaky mouse into the water bowl, it won't squeak.  I am going to try the bag of rice.  But it isn't squeaking at all so I would say low expectation of recovery for Mr Squeaky Mouse.  Biscuit did that too, a couple of years ago.

I checked on Cleo, she is out there, I put out some food.  She is a good little cat.

But I need a couple of squeaky mice.  I will look at Walmart tomorrow and see if they have them.  That's where I got them originally.

Edit: I finally remembered I got the squeaky mouse in a 2 pack, got the other one out for a very happy Spotty.  And Chewy has a million of these things so easy to get another couple the next time I get cat food.  [end edit]

I got Mama cat in the house and shut the door to the garage, that will save on our electricity.  Which I also paid this week, water and electric.  I will remind Ron to pay the gas.

I have utterly no idea what I'm doing for dinner.  I did take the trash out, and put the can at the street, so that's done.  I don't have to deal with it tomorrow morning because they come early.  I am not hungry right now so we will see what appeals later.

Spotty was yelling for food so I put down some dry kitten food.  If I didn't have Biscuit I would just have a bowl down there all the time, but Biscuit is on a limited diet.  I do have Biscuit's food down there and the vet said it's OK if one of the other cats eats it.

That's it for now.

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