Sunday, August 4, 2019

Sunday 2

I'll start by explaining the big screw up that happened yesterday.  I had a migraine, my phone was off until 3 PM.  When I turned it on I didn't know I could get so many texts.

What happened?  Well, Ron told me to tell Driver B (our alternate) to meet us on the third, which as you know was yesterday.  But Ron assumed he had said, and "everyone understood it was Sunday".

Well, the guy came on the third and we weren't there, and we didn't respond to his texts or calls for hours because I had a migraine and my phone was off.  He was pretty upset.

Ron said he was sorry (still not believing, even now, he did anything wrong) and offered to pay the guy double if he met us today.  Ron was upset he "had" to do that, felt he had not screwed up, etc.  It was a big mess.

As a result today Ron was very moody, bitter, and resentful.  I got him ready, though.

It is nice to wake up and have the whole gang clamoring for breakfast, I got everyone fed and Biscuit stayed out of the kitten food (he loves that stuff).  I didn't see Cleo but her bowl was empty.

Spotty yelled for breakfast with the best of them, polishing my ankle with skill as he waited for his breakfast.  His mom ate with deep intensity "eating for 6" I call it.

I fed them a can of Biscuit's formula (only the new cats like it) when we left so I didn't have anyone running in the garage when we left.

Ron was asking me about various places we have lived on the way to the store.

When he met me he was renting a room from a woman (they were not involved)
Then we had a garage apartment (it sounds more glamorous than it was).  It was literally 20 feet off the freight train tracks and we would hear all sorts of racket all night.
Then we went back to a place he had lived before, second floor apartment, rented that for 7 years.
We came to Texas.  We rented a "landing pad" apartment - heavily advertised online and in magazines - for a year, I liked it.  They had very strict rules so it stayed nice.
Then we moved to the hellhole drug dealer apartments.  Quite a shock, there for a year.
Then we moved to the duplex, not quite as bad but still pretty grim.
Then we bought the house.

"Wow, we moved around a lot!"  Yeah, we did.  But we have been here just over 15 years now.  By that time we had gotten to the store.

I saw a lot of young kids pushing the flatbed carts and shopping carts, waiting to go inside.  Great to let little Jose "push the cart" if it is quiet and empty, not such a good idea if it is bustling.  I didn't want to get in front of one of those kids, the last time I did he almost took out my knee, and the next time it was my achilles tendon.  No thanks.  I need my legs.

There was a huge crowd all piled up waiting to get inside.  I didn't want to get in front of, or in the middle of it, especially with the kids pushing the carts.  I told Ron I would wait, like I do when we are taking a commercial bus or plane, wait until the stampede passes and then go.

Most people just trampled right past, but a few wanted to "let us go".  I kept telling them no, we will wait.  A couple of them wanted to argue, they apparently felt guilty about going in front of a man in a wheelchair, but I told them "We are going last".  I kept telling them that, which made Ron even more irritable.

But I waited until the bulk had gone by, made sure there were no kids behind me with shopping carts,and then went.  I got Ron parked.  Then I had to go back out the front door and get a cart.  It really bothers me the management are too cheap to put proper wheels on the carts.  Half the flatbed carts have unacceptable wheels that cannot carry a heavy load, make loud noises, don't roll properly, etc. I had to keep pulling carts out until I found a decent one.  Then I had to go back in the entry to start my shopping.

Ron had made additional mistakes when planning today's trip, on both of the two trips we had scheduled, so he cancelled our ride home and we would take a cab.  Normally I like to pick up a case of protein shakes but it would have been a problem.  I did get a case of cat treats.  We are going through a lot of cat treats.  That made my morning,because, as I said, I felt really horrible I had missed getting them yesterday.  I basically got a free pound for what I paid, too.

I did find it funny much later, at home, when I took them out of the outer cardboard Baby Girl immediately demanded some.  She recognizes the package.  Smart girl.

So I got a hot dog and tried not to let Ron infect me.  I called him "toxic" at one point.

The driver came (I would have stood us up) and I greeted him happily, apologized, explained about the migraine, etc.  I said it was all our fault (it was) and I had "checked the text and we told you the wrong day".  He was totally satisfied with that and we moved on.

Ron still did the moody thing, though.  We got to work, I got him in the building.  I didn't trust Ron alone with the guy - I didn't think Ron would behave.

I helped him stock and got everything stowed.  We go back tomorrow so no big rush on anything.  Ron stopped having the pity party.

We finished up.  "I bet it will take an hour" Ron moped when we agreed to call Arturo.  10 minutes.

Actually, 5.  He was pulling up when we went out.  We had a straight ride home.  I put away the cat treats, much to Baby Girl's delight.  I gave her some out of a package already opened.  I fed Spot and his mom, they are always hungry, my guys didn't want much.

My headache had come back around the end of Sam's Club so I laid down and took a nap.  I need to get a tooth filled, it was bothering me the whole time I laid down plus the headache.  But I am not whining.

I just need to stop putting off the dentist and get the damn thing done - after I get paid on the 15th.

Spotty comes to me, meowing, now, rubs against my ankle, letting me pet him more and more.  I am very pleased with his progress.  His and Mama's coats are nice and sleek now.  They are filling out.  I even got cat treats.  I felt pretty pleased.

Torbie and Biscuit lay down with me in my bed.  I am not sure how they got custody of me but I am always happy for the cuddles.  That's always really nice.

Headache has pretty much fizzled now, which is great.  When I finish the blog I am going to do up a birthday wishlist.  My adoptive Mom likes a list.  It will be cat things, this year.  She was fine with that.

I would rather get a bag of Royal Canin than a sweater, for instance.  I can feed the cat food and it saves me money I would have spent.

After I do the list I will clean the boxes and go check on Cleo.  She wasn't around when I got up, or when I got home, but I need to check on her again.  One time she didn't want to eat, sitting under my chair, with a very satisfied expression, and I realized she had already caught her own dinner.

Smart girl.

I did contact some feral cat people in Houston and asked if they could help me with transport for Cleo to/from her spay/feral treatment.  I got an autoreply back but hopefully they can give me a yes or no.  I did give them my address and full name.

That would be great if they could do it.  I'll feel (we all will) a lot better when she's spayed.


Anonymous said...

I don't think Cleo is feral.

Heather Knits said...

Well, she is super fearful. She will only eat if I am still in my chair. Based on what I read = feral. I don't care what label she has as long as I can get her fixed.

Heidi said...

Hey Heather I am going to say you are officially a Crazy Cat lady! And you know what people could call people worse! LOL I Love your stories but am every concerned with your tooth not make me tell you a TRAGIC story of a dog rescue gal I adopted a dog from a few years ago.
Truly teeth are in the mouth and the mouth is the entrance to the entire GI tract and with that comes a lot of responsibly in keeping them healthy . You take care of everyone else and you are working out like crazy trying to get your work outs in eat right ect ...please go take care of your tooth! OOOXXX

Big changes ahead for me Heather ..getting nervous and hoping for the best .

Heather Knits said...

Oh, I'm getting it fixed. The way it was yelling I had better, before it becomes expensive.