Thursday, August 15, 2019

Too cute to keep to myself

Mama cat, Spotty, and my entire collection of shoes under the couch. 


Anonymous said...

So cute it looks like momma cat is telling her baby all the secrets of the universe and he is taking it all in very intently. Glad to hear Cleo will be coming in sooner rather than later. And your dad is a heartless SOB about the declawing. No compassion just negotiation to him. I have a feeling that is exactly how he has managed his entire life. One emotionless negotiation after another.

Hearing your step-mother and how she likes cats certainly humanizes her a little from all the terrible things she did and allowed. That's the thing with people they are capable of doing good and bad things all in the same life span. No one (with maybe a few exceptions) is all good or all bad.

There are different degrees and levels to all of us. Though some may do worse things than others and there I think it comes down to a persons genes and their brains as some are more prone toward gentleness and compassion and others not so much or as much.

Heather Knits said...

Oh, I agree, and that is one of the reasons I forgave her. She honestly did the best she could.

Had they all known I was bipolar and had brain damage, say from about age 5 when she married him, I'm sure I'd have had a much different outcome.

I still think the kids next door are psychopaths, though. :)