Thursday, August 15, 2019

Hell has frozen over

Ron woke up, I got him dressed, etc. and then we went to the bank.  A nice black man held the door for us, and we thanked him profusely.  We went and conducted our business.  Not much.  I got what's left of my pay (vet bills), and we called Arturo to come pick us up. 

I was standing there watching the door as we discussed our plans, they would drop me at Taco Bell, I would order dinner, they would go to the liquor store and get Ron some vodka, and then come pick me up and take me home. 

And I noticed something.  They were opening the 'wrong" (broken) door.  I walked over and tried it, it was working.  Well, well, well.  They finally got it fixed.  The manager wasn't around but the whole bank heard us. 

About that time Arturo came and took us to do what we'd planned.  We came home. 

I was eating my dinner when Mama cat came to use the litter box by my chair.  I am actually OK with this as it gives me a chance to monitor what is coming out of my cats.  Is someone straining?  Other issues? 

Mama has had some issues, I figured it was due to the stress of the last month, moving in with us, and changing her diet.  I did get her probiotics and have given them to her, faithfully, as directed. 

Tonight she went to "use it" and produced a perfectly normal looking result!  Without the bad odor I have been accustomed to!  I was thrilled for her. 

So 2 things to be happy about. 


Anonymous said...

Not sure what the significance of noting the skin color of man who opened the door for you? Like, who cares. He was a man.

Heather Knits said...

A lot of racial divide these days, but black people have been good to us overall. It's the mexicans who slammed the door in his face. You didn't comment when I mentioned the mexicans slamming the door in his face, or the 1-2 ones who did help, the other blacks who helped us, or the fact that I mentioned there are very few whites in the bank as customers.

But that comment is notable. [shrug]

Anonymous said...

Actually I thought the same thing when you commented on the Mexicans. Comments like constantly caring about what color or ethnicity someone is when they do something IS what causes racial divide.

Heather Knits said...

Well, I notice if a people group helps a lot, or slams a door in my face. Maybe I should get beyond that but I do notice.

Probably day to day black people help me the most. I am very happy they do, life isn't easy and we can all use help.

But if I want to talk about cats I find a white person. They are almost always cat friendly. Other groups don't always like or actively fear cats.