Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A couple of pictures

 Spotty above, a nice shot of the orange spot on his tummy (never seen that before).  I just swept and mopped the floor, you would never guess. 

And below, a shot of Mama cat on the floor by my computer, and Baby Girl in the chair.  You can see Mama cat's legs and tail.  And my foot.  Good thing I shaved my legs! 


Anonymous said...

Seriously next time your parents ask what you want for a gift ask for a vacuum cleaner. This is just out of control. On the positive side the cats are really cute!

Heather Knits said...

There is a cardboard scratcher under my desk which sheds little bits of paper.

Anonymous said...

Still you said you needed a vacuum cleaner and I think it would be a great gift from them. They can afford it.

Heather Knits said...

It has been conveyed to me I had better have a lowball on any gifts I request. Don't really know a delicate way to say that.

But a lot of talk of limited income on their parts and watching their pennies, etc. They used to send me a $25 check for my birthday every year even when Dad was working.

Honestly, I would be happy to get a couple squeaky mice out of them for my birthday.

Now, that said they don't have to give me a damned thing. Dad gave me life, adoptive mom gave care for 13 years, room and board up to 18. I know that, and my rule for gifts is not to expect anything, then I am often surprised. I made a list on Amazon so she (because Dad isn't a gift buyer for me) has some affordable choices. A squeaky mouse on a wand. Regular squeaky mice. Black sweatbands for me (don't laugh, I prefer them but all I have are a couple of white "dork" ones).

Anonymous said...

It’s unfair that Ron can spend money on vodka but you can’t buy a vacuum. To me that’s a necessity. There are probably carpet bugs that are feeding on the however-long-amount of dead skin cells and hair and cat hair and dander and everything else. I would DEMAND Ron buy a vacuum for the home. That is bullshit. Maybe the dirty carpet contributes to your constant headaches (yeah you said food triggers but seems like the house could be adding to it)

You can get a decent vacuum for under $150. Something that will do the job. Maybe even less than that. Quit buying the Kratom that doesn’t even work if you need to find funds.

Anonymous said...

What the heck is wrong with your parents? I forget what your dad did for a living but I believe he made quite a decent income. So what if your dad gave you life. Screwing and having a baby is something the majority of the population can do with little to no effort. Being a good parent is a whole other story and unfortunately he was not a good parent because he ignored your mistreatment by your mother and then by your step-mother. Plus don't they travel quite a bit? They really are quite selfish in my opinion. I am sure they are not quite the penny pinchers they make themselves out to be. With talk like this I am sure you will not be included in the will once your dad passes.

Anonymous said...

They are cute!

Heather Knits said...

They are adorable. I'm so glad they get on so well, that was really important to me that everyone feel equally valued.

To the will comment, I am going into it like I did with my mother, who married a VERY rich man after divorcing my dad: if I get anything that will be nice, but I am not holding my breath. When my mother died she had squandered everything and was living in her car. As it turns out I got $700 from her estate because a lawyer found a bank account. I got that, some pearls, and a painting she made (abstract, a lot of coral in it). I called that a win. With my Dad he has said on a couple of occasions he has a trust, etc. so we will see. Not holding my breath. Ron has already said any money is my money and he won't touch/ask for it. When his parents died all we wanted were his baby pictures but no response back from his family. I have to assume they wee tossed. But he doesn't owe me anything. I hope he spends it all.

To the vac. comment, I will be honest, vacuuming is just not high on my list. But I will try to get some in Thursday or Friday and take a picture. I do have a bagless vac that can do some work.

Anonymous said...

While that is mighty nice of Ron to say that any inheritance is your money. LEGALLY ALL INHERITANCE IS NOT community property in a marriage - with the caveat that you do not co-mingle the money. This means you have a separate bank account in your name only that the money is put into. If you do get anything when your dad passes it would be nice but since he has a track record of excluding you and treating you less than others I wouldn't count on it (which I know your not).

Shame about your mother and her wasting ALL that money. People say that others can do what they want with their money BUT it pisses me off to see people just waste it on the dumbest things when they would be better off giving it to someone who would actually benefit from it in a responsible way and put it to good use changing their life for the better. How many vacations and stuff do people really need? Especially the older you get. You can't take it with you and when it sells it goes for pennies on the dollar. I hope your dad does not waste his money. I really, really hate it when people just waste their money. Each generation should try and improve the circumstances of the next. I am not saying live like a pauper so your kids will inherit money but maybe live with a middle ground regarding spending?

My FIL gave over 70,000 to a woman he thought was going to come live with him. He was scammed. He could have given family the money instead but the man has always been a selfish prick. Never once took his kids to the doctor, the dentist, only for eye glasses when the school forced him to. Didn't provide stable housing, electric, water etc all while making over $100,000 plus a year in the 70's and 80's. Just gave money to women and people (not family) and a disgusting individual overall. He gets over $5000 plus a month with SSI and a pension and is still broke within days of it hitting his bank account. We tried to get adult protective services involved but they were useless. Every time I think about it I get mad all over again.

Yes please vacuum. It is bad and will be better air quality for you and the cats.

Heather Knits said...

The problem with my mother, she was dead on my age when diagnosed bipolar. But for the next 15 years was inconsistent at best with medication, heavy drinking, etc. So her money was wasted on mental illness; she couldn't even care for a cat. No wonder she lost custody.

It was her money to blow, and I put the $700 into my personal emergency fund. It has stayed there for several years.

I absolutely have a separate bank account. It just never seemed wise to have them together. Besides, what I do with my money is my business, as long as I am caring for everyone and taking care of business.