Thursday, January 24, 2019

Ron has been in a really bad mood

Just treating me like an enemy.  Finally told him to knock it off, walked away for awhile.  Didn't help much.  (Sigh)


Anonymous said...

Call a DA hotline tell them the truth you a well managed medically bi polar woman who is at the end of her rope because you are living with a blind man who consumes a tremendious amount of vodka and rants horrible things at you constantly ...your are hauling a cross you should not be carrying it is not yours.. he is really abusive to you and you on no biblical level need to put up with this.
You are worth so much more than this and a good domestic abuse hotline can help you figure out how to Iive your best life.

Heather Knits said...

The really sad thing to me: he sees it as "the" way to act, if I mess up, "punish" me because I "injured" him, etc.. He will sometimes even use the word punish or hurt (verbally).

Of course no one, especially me, ever deserves it. I am, after all, the only one who signed up for his personal care.

If things get really bad one family member has offered to put me up in an apartment until I get on my feet. This person agrees things are bad.

I will have to think long and hard about that, once I take that step there is no going back.