Saturday, January 12, 2019

Ron almost falls out of a cab

Ron almost fell out of a cab today. 

We got up, got ready.  He was up front in the kitchen when the cab arrived.  It was a driver we know well.  I took Ron out to the cab. 

And he couldn't get in.  He didn't even get a quarter of the way, out of his wheelchair. . So he rode in the back.  He was pretty well behaved when I was sitting in the backseat next to him, and the other client aboard, but once she got out and I went up front, the binders came off.  He was really bad, making really obscene and inappropriate comments.   The driver made a comment about him taking his "pain pill" and laughing uproariously, which of course fed Ron.  Thank God the driver was a man. 

He dropped us at the warehouse, we had a little wait but not too bad.  We went in, I got a good cart (this location is notorious for their crappy carts) got the money, and went shopping.  First thing, I got some protein shakes for me.  I like them, they are easy and healthy.  Nothing to wash, either.  Just drink it and throw it away.  I don't have much energy so something like that is a blessing. 

Then I got all the stuff for work (I ring my stuff separate).  Jack, on seeing a package of our honeybuns one day, commented we carried the "good ones" and he loved them.  I gave him one (individually wrapped) and he said thank you.  Normally I buy him other baked goods but this time I got him a package of the honey buns.  I also rang that on "me". 

They changed the checkout some, more like a grocery store checkout, cart on one side, customer on the other.  I didn't care, they rang it correctly. 

I went over to Ron.  He was moping.  He wanted "chips".  I had bought very few chips but I gave him some of our new Cheez-its.  He was happy. 

I bought myself a hot dog and put ketchup on it, ate it once it cooled down a little.  It was good.  The old hot dogs used to give me terrible heartburn but not these. 

Jack came, LOVED the honey buns, and we headed off.  We got unloaded.  I helped Ron and did my stocking.  I managed to squash our inventory into the fridge (18 cases of bottled drinks!) and stockroom.  I also managed to finally get on top of my cardboard problem. 

We went outside, waited a while.  Our driver came, she is a character.  She had a client in the front seat.  That client actually called in a complaint on Ron one day, but I didn't remind her of that.  Ron was behaving. 

But, when he tried to get in the cab, he almost fell out.  I managed to catch him and stuff him in there.  I'm glad he doesn't weigh much.  We got going and dropped the other client at a Walmart.  "She needs help" the driver said, as she took her in. 

"Why are we waiting?" Ron asked. 

"She's blind and needs help" I replied. 

"She doesn't have a provider (caregiver)?"

"I guess not" I replied.  We waited another couple minutes, and the driver finally came out. 

We went home.  The driver told us about her personal dramas.  We arrived. 

Ron got out of the cab on his own, but it was ugly.  I asked him if he would consider physical therapy and he said no. 

I got Ron in the house.  That was #1.  I got the shakes and some drinks Ron brought, into the house.  #2  I checked the mail and found an insane amount of paperwork from my insurance company - huge books full of information.   They probably won't pay anyway, but I guess I have to read them. 

Ron began drinking.  I went through the mail, and threw away the obvious trash.  I opened the electric bill with some trepidation and found it to be $40.  Our old pricing plan expired.  I expected MUCH worse... but I guess the heater does not use much electric to operate the blower.  I do about one load of laundry a week and use low energy bulbs, so that's pretty much it - oh, yeah, and operating the computer.  :p

I told Ron I wanted to go to Walmart tomorrow, get our pills, do some shopping, etc.  He balked.  I told him I would take a cab, and that Chuck seemed to enjoy going.  He called Chuck and asked if Chuck would take me.  He said yes, so that's tomorrow.  I worked on my list for tomorrow, I hate it when I remember something on the way home, because I cannot go back and get it. 

By the way, my tooth was fine (learning to chew on it again) but I had a nasty headache all day. 

I took a nap.  Torbie joined me for a while and then ran off for the glories of Ron's cat tree.  We cleared off the table next to the cat tree, so she can jump from a chair, to the table, to the top level of the cat tree, not bad for an old lady.  Ever since she figured that out she loves hanging out on the top shelf.  She has so much fun I hate to say anything.  But I did get some cuddles out of her before I fell asleep. 

I slept OK for about an hour but one of the "neighbors" played some very loud music for a couple of minutes straight, which woke me up.  And my head was SEVERE so I got up and took some Excedrin.  Once the headache pills started working I took Ron's pants (Heather, you naughty!) checked the pockets (you wouldn't believe what I have found in his pockets), and started a load of laundry on "soak".  Most all of his clothes were soiled from one blackout or another (sad to say) so they needed the soak.  I had a bunch of black t-shirts.  When I'm depressed, not surprisingly, I wear a lot of black. 

Once I finish this I'm going to go through my closet and clear out the t-shirts that are just a little too tight, and put them on the shelf in my closet - smaller sizes.  The shelf of hope, that I get back down to them again.  The other day I was in a hurry and I pulled out a tshirt 2 sizes too small, it was very frustrating.  And I have a lot of "stuff" occupying that shelf.  If I clear out the too-smalls then I can make room for some new stuff that is in my size.  I like those 4-packs of men's t-shirts - the men's shirt is more modest and much better pricing.  Not a lot of color variety, though. 

Ron's asleep now.  I am going to get something delivered for dinner but I don't know what, yet.  Ron said he didn't want anything.  Biscuit was bugging me for food earlier, he ate everything, but it's too early.  If I feed him now he will run out at 2 AM and go hungry for hours. 

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

My dad got real weak with his drinking too. I had to go to his house and pick him up off the floor.
He was 80 but had been drinking a good 30 years. Prepare yourself

Anonymous said...

Pain pills aren't supposed to make you stupid and falling over. Sounds like he was drinking before he got in the cab.

Heather Knits said...

No, we were at work and he had been away from the bottle for several hours at that point. I think he is just getting cases of the wobbles. He is very sedentary at home and does not exercise at all.

I believe he needs to get moving more but that's just me, that is why I suggested the physical therapy.