Sunday, January 6, 2019

Another trip to Walmart, with Chuck, who is hopefully involved with someone else

So I went to Walmart.  Chuck was a little later than he said but I was fine with that, like I told him you are doing ME a favor.  Then I gave him some gas money.  He told me about a girlfriend prospect he has been watching. 

Forgot to mention something that's been bothering me at work.  Safe to say we have a large staff, including maintenance guys with carts, etc.  They got out 2 huge tables for Veteran's day (giving all the vets cake and a little commendation).  Fine.  Then they left them there. 

Wouldn't be a problem except they block access to the stockroom.  Ron has a very hard time getting supplies. 

He was attempting to work on a machine and a maintenance guy was talking to his boss, blocking our vending machine.  They kept talking even when I pointed out Ron was trying to access the machine.  Neither of them bought anything.  Real quality folk.  Ron finally asked, loudly, if they could please move the tables.  "Why?"  We explained they were blocking access and making it hard to work. 

"Well," he started "They have functions..." I explained the function was months ago and we needed access to our stockroom. 

"But they have [more] functions" he kept saying.  I explained they do not have the functions that often and the blind man in the wheelchair would really appreciate it if he could access his own stockroom.  The boss took another look at the big, heavy tables, mumbled something about functions again, and bolted. 

So apparently they are just going to leave the tables there "permanent", rather than take them out and put them away every time (a few times a year). 

Now, I try to write things that I would not mind being read by management.  So I will save my disparaging remarks and name-calling.  But I thought that was a pretty cowardly, and lazy, way to handle it. 

Back to Chuck.  I had my resusable tote bags.  Boy, the Walmart staff hate those bags.  I had my list on my cell phone. 

We got there and started shopping.  Chuck went and got some new jeans.  He told me he is dropping sizes.  He bought some new ones

I got more tampons (!), looked at shampoo (didn't have what I use), etc.  I went down the list and got everything, as Chuck and I chatted.  We just used one cart and he sorted his stuff out at the end.  I got everything on the list and then I went to the pet section, got some cat treats for my guys, and some dog treats for Jack.  Chuck said he didn't want dog treats so I didn't get him any. 

We cut through the baby products to get up to the registers.  Chuck found a "good" register.  The cashier was very unhappy at my reusable bags.  She did everything but roll her eyes. 

The way I see it, you are being paid to scan items and put them in bags.  You shouldn't bitch about that.  You knew the job when you signed up for it. .

It seems foolish to say "I will put your stuff in 10,000 tiny plastic bags, but I won't put it in 2 big bags."  And I am doing the lifting! 

We left and he took me home.  It was a nice day, I was glad I got out. 

I came home and put 'most everything away, Ron was asleep.  I tried to take a nap but he kept shouting out in pain.  It was enervating.  He just yelled "stop" very loudly, for instance. 

I developed a pretty good headache so I got up at 4.  I took some Excedrin.  [Now Ron is shouting at God]

I got online for a while and got a message from Ron "Are u in the house?"  I went and told him no.  :p  Ron got off on a tangent about people who cheat, how much it would tear him up if I cheated (the woman before me cheated with Ron while married, left her husband for him, hounded him to marry her, he did not, on and off for years, and eventually left him for a married man who did marry her - but he got arrested for drug dealing and she dumped him).   I asked him if he thought I was the sort of woman who strayed.  He said no.  He hoped. 

I was pretty insulted.  He basically wanted me to tell him I wasn't going to screw another man.  That's what I said on our wedding day.  And if I wanted to there are plenty of ways I could without getting caught.  He basically said he had no idea what I did after I left the house. 

There is more to it but basically Ron cheated on me 4 times - with 4 different women I knew of, many times.  Not counting phone adultery and "talking book" pornography, all of which I consider equally damaging to a committed relationship. 

So it is pretty hypocritical of him going on about he is so worried about my fidelity.  I have known Chuck for about 20 years.  If I wanted to cheat with him I could have many times by now.  Look at Eric - Ron knew he was coming over, he got drunk, passed out on the floor, and wonders why I left him like that to go to dinner with Eric.  Dinner was already planned.  You chose not to show.  And Ron's back was not bothering him that day. 

He prides himself on being "open minded", etc. but I get a different message sometimes.  I do not feed into it, either  [high, shrill voice] "Oh, baby, you know I'm not going to cheat!"  He either knows that already or not.  I think I have proven myself already, I am not going to break my neck with reassurances. 

He literally throws me at other men and gives me gas money for them, then makes passive aggressive comments when I get home.  Either you trust me or you don't.  I got plenty of reassurances from Ron when he was cheating - it didn't make him stop.  Either someone is committed or they're not.   I have stuck around for all this which should say it all. 

It's VERY insulting.  He verbally abuses me, starves me of any positive language or attention (he thinks it is "funny" if I bring that up to him), stays up all night reading explicit talking books, and spends his time in a bottle, ignoring me.  Then he shoves me at other men, makes inappropriate comments to them encouraging one to have an affair with me, and then acts all outraged when I do take a trip to Walmart. 

If I didn't know better I would say he is setting me up to cheat so he can play the victim.  Well, I'm not a slut and I am careful who I spend time with.  Which is more than I can say for him. 

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