Friday, August 11, 2023

Work was OK last night

 Difficult boss was off so that was good. Nicer boss took her lunch with me which was a little weird.  Tough boss (I think I will call her that) works 7-4 today so not much overlap with my schedule.  

I picked up some groceries last night including a case of bottled water. I don't drink it but I like to chill it down, carry in an insulated lunch tote, and give it to drivers.  It is very popular. 

I have the dark clothes in the wash trying to catch up before I have a day off. It is just a lot easier to do it that way. Tonight I basically get a nap say 11-4:30 then get up and take the bus to work. I have a "Monster" for that. Work 9 hours, ride home. Not sure if it's Jack or Ace yet.  

Tomorrow night I can get some sleep.  Take a shower before I go to bed and then get up a little later like 4:30, go to work, do it all again. 

It will be interesting to see what kind of weekend we have.  

I volunteered to work because I am a team player; I knew the team needed me.  Also good will with the bosses and I have that $180 electric bill.  Most people are telling me they had bills in the $300's.  OUCH.   So I am done whining outside of here.  So I think it's important, also the Bible says to work as though serving God and not man (Colossians 3:23).  

I think it will be at least a little fun. 

The cats are good, Biscuit and Spotty met me at the door.  Cleo seldom meets me but she gets on me when I'm in bed.  She actually bruised my chest the other day walking on it.  I don't mind.  But if I ever have heart surgery I will have a tough time when I get home as the cats are really into that. 

There are "contractor" markings on the sidewalk next to the water pipe leak - water running across the ground into the gutter it looks like an expensive fix. But at least someone is working on it.  That is I believe the third time they have had a problem.  One time they had a huge sinkhole open up.  

I believe this time was caused by a party they had; they had a couple of people parking on the lawn,which, at least here,results in broken water pipes. My fix was over 2 thousand dollars so I hope the utility district picks up the tab on this one. 

I need to take my shower so I'm going to get going on that.  I also need to shave my legs.  That's it for now.  

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