Sunday, August 27, 2023

Sunday evening

 Trip to work started out uneventful, new drivers, giving out candy with tracts.  Get to the transit center and there are the JW's glowering over by a bus stop.  And wait, there's more over by my bus stop.  I felt very invaded and wanted to do some sort of Holy Spirit Cleansing on the whole place.  I can stand the stench of urine and the homeless but the JW's are just a bit much.  

I did hand out as much as I could and did a total of 12 bags of candy with a tract.  Second bus had a lunatic board.  The guy was talking to himself.  We see that a lot, even guys yelling at themselves.  Punching the air and jerking in the seat are not customary. Getting up, pacing around trying to stare down the other passengers?  I got out my stun gun where he couldn't see it. He did get off after about 20 minutes but I was very tense. 

Got to work and boss is there, stressed out and very tired and has lots of small projects for me.  So I did that all day.  

I managed to catch the 2:05 which meant I was home by 3:30. Not many people riding at that hour! It was miserably hot; the wind was hot, even my glasses were hot. But I made it.  

Tomorrow is my last day then I have 2 off.  

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