Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sunday morning

 I did not sleep well last night.  I woke up around 8 and did my God Time first thing.  

I was sitting in the plastic chair I normally use thinking "This is not very comfortable" and then I had an epiphany.  I have a "nice" Pello wood chair in the front room I use for watching TV.  I had planned to get another Pello and put it in the blue room but I would rather have it now, I realized.  

So I swapped them out.  

The purple milk crate has all my paid bills in it. You can see my computer setup in the front room to the left of the TV.  But I like that God/Jesus gets the good chair and TV/Computer get the basic ones. 

I will get another Pello if I ever get someone coming over regularly again. My aunt is out of town. 

I turned up my thermostat a little because the grid is having trouble and I want to do my part; it's at about 85 which is comfortable for me. 

I need to: 

Sweep and mop floor 

Do dishes, cook, do those dishes

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Add get rid of the clutter to your to do list. It will make cleaning so much easier if you do. You have 2 bedrooms that are not occupied there is no reason to have stuff all over your living room since that stuff can be put up.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the picture it seems like your purple milk rate has more than paid bills in it. Have you ever heard of file folders? This way you can have a folder for each type of bill like utilities, cable, etc. This way at the end of the year you can toss the old bills and make room for the new ones. All your books should have a home on your bookcase. You seem to have really weird and not very useful furniture. Plus why do you knot the curtains like that?

Anonymous said...

Do you not have upholstered furniture because of the cats?
I couldn't be comfortable on even a wood chair to watch a full length movie. I'm 65 though.

Heather Knits said...

Well I bought what I could afford also with an eye to the cats. For instance I would never get leather furniture. Even if I could afford it.

As far as I know all my books are on the bookcase? I really only have the Bible study stuff and that is on the red bookcase.

The curtains were long and the cats were pulling the ends in the litter box. I like the curtains just fine but don't want them peed, etc. on so I knot them.

Things are a lot better than they were years ago.

Anonymous said...

By most peoples standards it's not a comfortable living space and the colors would make me anxious and nauseous. But it's heathers house and it's what she wants.

Heather Knits said...

I didn't even put up a photo of the orange room. LOL

Anonymous said...

We've seen your orange room. Orange is my favorite color but not a whole room of it. I especially like burnt orange. Didn't you use to have a couch? Your home isnt homey or warm and comfy. Just odd things are thrown in a room. Do you consider your house just a safe place to put a roof over your head? You don't seem to have any pride in it. It's a nice house.

Heather Knits said...

I have 2 loveseats in the front room. I had a lot of fun picking out colors (navy and orange). Both loveseats are black with accent colors. Unfortunately 3 white cats...