Monday, August 21, 2023

Very early Monday

 I slept OK considering.  I had done up my pills for the morning because I've found it's useful to take the antidepressant before I get up on those very early mornings.  So I wake up, take my pills, go back to bed for 20 minutes, get up.  I also took a 100 mg caffeine tablet.  

I have decided to focus on good things God has done for me in the past and how He has always had my back.  

One example when I was 13 and on the verge of suicide I threw myself on Him and begged Him to save me if He would.  But I couldn't go on the way I was.  In part this was due to a severe "natural" depression paired with the doctor's use of an SSRI antidepressant which we all know, NOW, causes teens to become suicidal.  I was a part of them finding that out.  I also had a difficult family life and a psychopath had just shot up my Dad's office a few months previous (Dad was not there.he was meeting with my doctor about my depression).  The shooter killed several people and I had to sit and watch the TV with them bringing out the body bags wondering if one of them was my father.  And what would happen to me as the woman I called "Mom" was just a stepmother with no legal claim?  It's the lowest I ever got.  

I had an encounter that night with God where He wrapped me in His love, let me know "This is as bad as it gets" and let me know I would get better, people cared for me, and I just had to hang in there He had great plans for me.  He also directed me what I needed to do the next day (followed it to the letter) and things did improve.  

Then Ron's accident fifteen years later.  The day of his discharge his family decided to disown him.  I had counted on them for home care supplies, a ride home, money, etc. Everyone had told me I needed to let them help.  I had no money, no home care supplies (including a wheelchair), no ride. No money.  No prescriptions.  No help and he was going home in hours.  I had to make a way.  God provided amazingly within a few hours and soon I was safe at home with Ron in bed with his cat. I was eating a pint of Ben and Jerry's (before I was convicted about their politics) making notes in my little journal.  He sent the people I needed when I needed and even provided a very nice wedding dress when Ron and I set a date.  

I found it at a thrift shop for $5.30.  I had asked God for a wedding dress at that particular shop if it was His will for me to marry Ron.  You can say a lot about my marriage but I believe it was God's will.  I also believe Ron made choices to be verbally and physically abusive that were NOT God's will, and also chose to abuse alcohol in contradiction to God's will as well; that's what made it hard.  At the end of it Ron and I did love each other but he had a lot of issues and I had a very hard time standing up for myself. 

Let's look at the day Ron died.  That morning my checking account balance was $16.  Everything was in Ron's name even the only credit card.  So I had nothing the day he died.  But God laid it on Shaun to start the Go Fund me which soon amassed thousands of dollars, family I barely knew sent me LARGE checks, etc. God provided another job for me after I lost the first one and it's something I enjoy. 

So I know God has my back in all this. 

Saturday I was at Food Max and they had a great tray of pork chops. I like a thicker chop, little fat and no bone. They were perfect looking.  And only about $3.50 for 6 chops so I went ahead and bought it. I cooked them last night.  

I just cook mine in a low skillet because I like them juicy and I don't like the breading on them.  

They came out perfect and juicy. I love buying meat from a "real" butcher vs.something shrink wrapped in a refrigerated case, that came off a truck from Des Moines (nothing against Des Moines). 

Even my meat is well managed, thank you Lord.  

I need to take my shower. 


Anonymous said...

Pork chops are so good! I put mine in the oven with a little olive oil and spices. Always come out perfect and so easy to clean up after. I wish they were that cheap here.

Anonymous said...

If God had your back you never would have married Ron.

Heather Knits said...

Marrying Ron was my will not God's. And that is how those things generally work out.

Texas has a lot of agriculture so meat isn't too high.

Anonymous said...

YOU POSTED : I had asked God for a wedding dress at that particular shop if it was His will for me to marry Ron. You can say a lot about my marriage but I believe it was God's will. "

AND THEN IN YOUR COMMENT YOU SAY: "Marrying Ron was my will not God's. And that is how those things generally work out."

SO WHICH IS IT? Was it gods will or yours to marry Ron? I am confused.

Anonymous said...

God doesn't stop us from making mistakes or from sinning. I guess you don't know him. You better open your eyes, Jesus is coming.

Anonymous said...

Remember what the word says, do not worry about what you will eat, what clothes you will wear.....God still knows how to make manna.

Heather Knits said...

I think God would have wanted us to wait and work out our issues first.

Anonymous said...

God is his name, we CAPITALIZE names out of respect.

Heather Knits said...

Did I let one slip in a comment? I am so sorry.

Anonymous said...

No need to be sorry, the God mockers are the ones who will be weeping, wailing and gnashing their teeth. Unless. They REPENT.

Anonymous said...

You know what I don't see people mocking God if anything it's mocking evangelism.. I believe most people here are Christian and don't think you should be asking for help from him for every little occurrence 24 hours a day. It must be exhausting and frustrating for God to deal with petty problems constantly.

Heather Knits said...

I'll allow that one. Everything I have learned in years of Bible study indicate that God wants to help with the small problems. He is sovereign, He can handle all the small, petty, crap like "Please help the app to work" etc.

When I get home tonight I'll try to dig up some verses to back this.

My problem I trust God with the big issues but not the small ones. I need to work on that.

Heather Knits said...

Also you are not seeing the deleted comments which are very abusive toward both God and the other posters.

Anonymous said...

OK I'll accept that

Heather Knits said...

Some really vile stuff today. I don't know why this person is a regular reader?! Please pray for them and the other scoffers because the tribulation is coming! Anyway I deleted it all. Please pray.

Anonymous said...

I love that you bought your wedding dress for $5.30.

Heather Knits said...

I wish I had taken a photo of it with the tag on. LOL