Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Early Wednesday

 I was able to work yesterday, I took some Naproxyn before I started and that did a really good job.  God forbid you have an aspartame withdrawal headache it is a good fix. 

I had 2 iced coffees yesterday so I didn't sleep well last night and had a moderate headache.  I rode the bus both ways, yay me.  I handed out my material. My morning bus driver told me (this is the second driver to) that it works really well to wave my little flashlight around in the dark they can see me easily "Way before I could see your safety vest".  Good to know.  

This week is "easy" I work two days starting tomorrow then 2 days off, then I work I believe 8 days in a row. So I had better enjoy it!  A couple of the days are only a 4 hour shift. 

And the boss actually made a point of thanking me for coming in this past weekend and said "I know you didn't have to do it" so I was very happy walking out of the store last night.  She does not give compliments lightly.  

I have had a moderate headache all night I took Excedrin for it and probably should have done Naproxyn but it's too late now.  I am hoping to go run errands today.  Yes, the paycheck dropped. 

I am going to go lie down again for a little bit.  This withdrawal has been pretty brutal. 

I had a protein shake for breakfast and did my God time but I'm not feeling well and will lie down again; this pretty much confirms I need to put Aspartame in with alcohol and "hard" drugs on the DO NOT TOUCH list.  


Anonymous said...

Aspartame gives me nightmares. I can't drink diet soda. I'm already feeling lighter since was deciding to eat half portions. It's so freeing to eat anything I want. After years on Atkins and losing some hair, I think he missed the importance of all food groups.

Anonymous said...

Why can't you just say you took some Aleve?

Heather Knits said...

Because it was generic brand.