Thursday, August 24, 2023

Early Thursday morning

 I feel well rested and positive; I needed that night of sleep.  

Talked to Mom last night Dad was at a meeting.  I was able to give her some caregiver advice.  Let me tell you about the Ziploc twist and lock.  

This is what Ron used as his urinal:  

That's what Ron used for his urinal; it worked very well with the screw cap and wide top. So I put Mom onto that. She can scrub them out and then toss them if they get icky.  

I was happy I could help.  I had some caregiver "big sisters" in the Facebook group when I was active and they were a big help. I don't think Mom is ready for the group yet but I will keep encouraging her.  

I really think every caregiver should be in a group. 

So I had a good talk with her. Work went pretty well I volunteered for "the zone" again.  That is an assignment where the stocking associates are assigned to clean up various aisles in grocery.  I have a soft spot for the grocery manager, one, and I would like to make his life a little easier.  Two I don't mind it.  Three my boss is thrilled to "save" her other employees from the task.  I get a lot of customers asking me questions, too, which I don't mind.  

So I got all that done and boss seemed happy. The pharmacy computer had been texting me because I was "due for a refill" even though I wasn't out?  I ignored the first one but the texts were getting progressively more urgent likely because the computer somehow "knows" my diagnosis and just HOW BAD it would be if I ran out. So I went by the pharmacy yesterday and told them to fill it all; they had 3 by the time I clocked out, so I got them their copay (Snickers fun size!) and paid up for what they had, went home, STILL caught the bus driver.  

He is a very sweet man and was thrilled, again, to get the candy.  I told him I was glad I caught him as I had to "pick something up after work and was afraid I'd miss him" he smiled.  I did tell him I wouldn't be back until Monday so he knows not to look for me.  My last driver is a sweet young thing looks about 18 but is a good driver. That's a tough route for a young kid,though.  

Generally, on my first route, the homeless are very loud, obnoxious, defiant, looking for trouble.  It was so hot yesterday they were all quietly sitting in their seats meekly waiting for their stops.   They didn't want to risk getting thrown off!  It was a nice change of pace. I just want to go home I don't need some homeless guy screaming in my ear what happened to Bob?  

Not to mention I worry about bugs and disease, especially since we had that yellow guy on the bus bleeding everywhere. I will give them material on occasion as led by the Holy Spirit, will pray for them (could pray more to be honest), but don't want to engage and risk having one follow me home.  

I ran late getting ready yesterday so I took my tablet to work and read that Bible study stuff at work. I put it in a ziplock and then my backpack and it was fine. I am debating bringing my Bible to work every day; I would like to but would hate to have it stolen.  One project I would like to do involves going through my Bible and putting all the highlighted verses (many) into a text file on Google docs in case I did have my Bible stolen or "had" to give it away (someone in crisis I would do it).  I have given my Bible away several times now I will keep doing that likely so I think it would be smart to have it "preloaded" all the verses I like and want to highlight.  I also have little flags every where sticking out of my Bible not sure if I would do that again though. I did ask for a Bible cover for my birthday I did a birthday wish list.  

I also told Mom I would love gift cards to McDonald's as I like their iced coffee. 

This is just my general, personal, wish list.  Notice the compression sock is on both lists!  LOL  

I don't  want anything I have food and clothes, bills going to be paid.  Property tax likely going way down in Novembers.  I am content.  But it is fun to look at what other people are eyeing.  Compression socks are always good, though, and I'll wear them every day!  

I always like thinking my gifts will be USED.  Dad,for instance, told me flat-out "Don't buy me any clothes, I have enough".  He likes the Texas things I got him but doesn't want any more so I will respect that.  I did get some Texas kitchen towels on clearance for them I think he will get a kick out of seeing them in the kitchen. 

But I am mainly bringing stuff for the "Handouts" in CA.  Some clothes for me, but a 5 pound bag of candy, zip locks, tracts, etc.  I may buy and ship some small New Testaments to Mom and Dad to put in there too I haven't decided yet.  I figure; Mom has a Walmart, if I need more clothes I can go there.  But I won't have the evangelism stuff in CA.  

I think I will get some New Testaments shipped...but I see this as a mission trip.  One reason I am going to bring my own quart zip locks they have "Texas strong' on them so they will know I really did come from Texas to serve them.  

I have a very loud, very large, yellow bathrobe from IKEA. I don't wash it very often because I have a top loader and it gets out of balance very easily, but I asked God for help (and got it) loading the washer this time and got it washed OK this morning.  I used some Biz, washing soda, borax in addition to 3 Tide pods (I had some other towels and things in there). It is on the rinse now, I have found it very useful to do an additional rinse with some (1/2 cup) white vinegar when I wash towels it gets all the suds out.  So it's doing that now.  

So that done, I need to take my shower, do my God Time, get dressed, make my lunch and bring that for the day. I also have some cold waters I will give out and drink.  

I also plan to bring Gatorade for myself, I bought some of the mix and make that days like today when I will be out in the heat.  Two of my medications don't like me out in the heat.  But I have to make it work.  

That's it for now.   

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