Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Well that was easy

 So the HOA and I have been going on a while about the dead jasmine vine up the side of my house.  They were getting progressively more annoyed but my guy would flake, or I'd find a guy when I was broke, etc.  I took some money out of my savings to cover this while I'm off this week.  

And this morning I hear yard guys next door trimming the neighbor's tree. I look outside.  They have a flatbed trailer with weed whackers and leaf blowers on it.  Hm.  Maybe they will get my vine. I went over and asked, he said he would have a look when he came down.  

He knocked on my door a while later and quoted me $45 which seemed fair.  I told him yes and gave him a bag of bottled waters, some candy with Scripture booklets because who am I to miss a shot?  He said thank you and went, finished the tree job, came back and did mine.  

So that's all done and I can take a nap (yes I gave him a tip).  

I need to have a reserve of COLD bottled waters and Gatorades for contractor types coming by. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it when God works things like that out!