Monday, August 21, 2023

Some good news

 My boss arranged another job for me as my job is going away.  I have been working hard all morning.  She seems happy and I am being productive.  

I may need to rethink my availability.  So far it is going well and I feel relieved.  Dad would say she valued my hard work at the other job and wanted me in this role.  I don't know about that but I'm not lazy.

The B vitamins have been giving me hot flashes all morning.  😜😂


Anonymous said...

Awesome news! The more availability you can give, the more valuable you are IMO

Anonymous said...

Good. I was praying another job would be assigned to you. You are a hard worker. I'm sure they know that.

Heather Knits said...

They seem impressed with my work ethic and it's something I can do.

Anonymous said...

see I told you not to be so parinoid.