Tuesday, August 29, 2023

I was glad I had my evangelism stuff

 I don't really have a hobby outside of the blog and evangelism.  But it was nice, when I hired the tree guy, to go in the Bible room and grab some Spanish booklets, zip locks, and candy, put together some nice little bags for the 3 workers.  

Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season

It's very important to me to share the Gospel with as many people as possible.  I feel like God sends them to me to be served and I need to do that.  

Tomorrow I will go buy more candy; I'm almost out. My headache comes and goes,my appetite is on and off today, but at least I handed out the 3 bags and did my God Time.  That's enough. 


Anonymous said...

I guess you never tried the CBD cream for your headaches that I suggested. I swear it really works you just rub it on your forehead. You can get it from a health food store. have you talked to the pharmacist about dry mouth products

Heather Knits said...

Dry mouth I carry a water bottle or a club soda (that is great for work and we sell it, lots of freshening bubbles but nothing else), or, you'll laugh, a sugar free cough drop. They are sweetened with isomalt which I think is OK unlike the other fake sugars and it does a great job on the dry mouth. I got the idea out of the Bipolar Survival Guide.

We have a ton of "head shops" around here so I could probably find the CBD cream there? They sell the CBD some THC products, Hemp, Kratom, and Delta 8?