Monday, August 14, 2023

Very early Monday

 I pride myself on being a helpful person so I was very flattered when a coworker asked if I had headache pills and later asked for a tampon.  I did not have a tampon but I will bring 1-2 they fit in my vest.  She thanked me profusely and said I reminded her of a lady at her other store who "always had everything in her vest" who also did my job interestingly enough.  I like being the go to person oh I have a headache where is Heather?  

Some may say they are taking advantage but I don't care about that.  I hate to think of anyone out there with an untreated headache.  

Work was busy but not as busy as it should have been.  Again, I think it was the electric bills.  But I went in on a very busy weekend when we had no coverage; I feel good about that.  

I am not in a hurry to do it again. 

I noticed, coming up, they did put me on the schedule for weekends 10-2.  I can take the bus each way.  The problem with it I work the Friday night so I go home, take a nap, get up, take the bus in, doesn't give me much sleep time.  But for a 4 hour shift I think I will be OK.  And I get a weekday off now and then which I honestly prefer. 

Everyone is out running errands on a weekend.  But a Wednesday?  I have the store to myself.  I am sure enjoying this Monday off.  

I had a pile of clothes on top of the dryer have had them for a while.  It was old enough I still had some 3x clothes in there.  I went through it all and got rid of it all except for one oversized (3x) hoodie and one pair of (oversized) jeans I use those to balance the wash.  I have a top loader and I have to balance both sides of the washer or it freaks out.  That happened a time or two when Ron was alive and he was distraught. It is very upsetting when it gets out of round it sounds horrible.  So I will keep the hoodie, and the jeans.  

I did buy the very light beige hoodie yesterday with the sale. It will make me nicely visible at the bus stop in the early mornings.  It is not really "my color" but it is a safety and visibility thing.  It fits well not too big not too tight.  I got the 1X.  That's in the wash right now with, basically, shirts.  I also have one load that's 2 pair dark jeans, a load of towels, and a load of underwear.  I like to wash the underwear in the free and clear detergent.  The other loads can just use the Arm and Hammer. Biscuit goes in the neighbor's yard after they water and tracked mud in all over my bath mat so I need to wash that too.  

Interestingly enough Ron wasn't a believer in bath mats.  He would put his dirty shirt on the floor next to the tub and use that. 

I couldn't take my dirty toilet yesterday.  It was not soiled it just had the minerals.  So I got in there and scrubbed it really good at I think 4 AM yesterday before work.  My middle finger still bothers me when I scrub the toilet.  I think I broke it. But I got the toilet clean.  

I mainly plan to do laundry today and maybe some cooking. I work tomorrow but have Wednesday (payday) off. I need to pay the gas bill but that is it.  For some reason the store doesn't just do the payment anymore it has to be Western Union which bothers me, I"m going to try to set up the online payments.  

My electric company is great I don't have to set up an account I can just do a one time payment.  They don't care who pays it as long as I have the account number and zip code. 

Ron figured out a way to pay his parents electric bill one cold winter when they were a couple of months behind, did it over the phone.  His mother got very angry at him. But the bill was paid. Ron (and I) felt it would be morally wrong to let them suffer. 

I don't have to worry about that with my parents. 

That's it for now. This headache won't quit I'm going to lie down again. 


Anonymous said...

There is NO WAY I'd put my hand in the toilet to scrub it.
I'm curious why you don't use a bowl brush?

Anonymous said...

So I decided to eat half portions instead of dieting out certain foods.
Another benefit, it will cut my lunch budget in half. One half Jimmy John's sub, the other half the next day.
I saw a quote and can't find it but it went something like you can eat clean but if you don't eat half you won't lose weight.

Anonymous said...

Only pride would make you angry at someone who paid your bill.
I see so many areas of my life that show me I'm still filled with pride.
I hate it.

Heather Knits said...

I have the minerals on the side of the bowl they require a pumice stone and some vigorous scrubbing. I guess after a couple years of wiping Ron's butt and a lifetime of litter boxes poop doesn't bother me (I wear a glove and wash after).

Half sizes sound like a good idea.

Anonymous said...

So you don't use tampons but you are going to start carrying them with you to give to people who are financially better off than you are? I just don't get it.

Heather Knits said...

She's a Walmart associate lives on her own. Apartments here now start around $1500 a month not counting car and utility expenses. They only pay us $14 an hour for me that is $12.40 an hour take home.

And I have the tampons already. Besides I have heard stories sometimes the menstrual cup falls out. If that happens I am tossing it. I will need SOMETHING.

And how big is a tampon?

I also share my headache pills.

Anonymous said...

"I pride myself on being a helpful person so I was very flattered when a coworker asked if I had headache pills and later asked for a tampon"

She likes to do it.

Anonymous said...

"She's a Walmart associate lives on her own." Not your problem. Seriously get over yourself. I bet she has a car.

Heather Knits said...

Yes, and a car is even more expense.

Heather Knits said...

"I moderate all comments. It will only post if I approve it.

If it has inappropriate, abusive, or overly personal content, I will reject. Thanks!"

Anonymous said...

There’s nothing wrong with being kind