Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Very early Wednesday

 Well it was definitely a case of good news/bad news.  Last week I found "Period" brand underwear at work for half the price of a Thinx.  I bought one, washed it, wore it to work yesterday just to see if it was comfortable and I could work in it. Did it feel strange?  I worried it would feel like a diaper.  It was no different from regular underwear and I liked it.  

BUT they put them on clearance literally less than a week after they came, so that is a bummer. Last I saw still had them and they are well reviewed but I am discouraged they are gone already.  I don't plan to wear this as a primary but as a backup for my cup.  

I had a hard time getting going yesterday.  I had low energy so I took a B complex, which made me both depressed and nauseous.  That's not something you want when you work at a Walmart and have to ride a city bus 2 hours each way.  But God gave me what I needed so I could work. 

Work itself was pretty uneventful. 

I got home OK.  My driver from work was very surprised to get candy again. I told him he gets candy every day I ride and he liked that. I also told him he had a hard, thankless job and it was a terrible route. He didn't argue with me.  Not too many homeless again but the manic lady rode again.  She didn't bother the school kids this time I think even she knew she had overstepped last time.  

I was glad I was paying attention as I walked down the street in my subdivision because the guy with the 3 pit bulls was out walking them. He is not very attentive. They are on leashes but the leashes are loosely held.  And I smell like cats.  I crossed the street to avoid them. He is the kind of owner lets them stop and pee/poop in everyone's yard. Probably no assets if they did attack me. But I did manage to avoid them.  

I also (forgot to mention) saw the manic woman lives at the low income housing complex, the one who had the dried menstrual blood all over her leggings?  She didn't this time but she got on, saw I had my "ears on" (Headphones) and ignored me, found a victim and began a long rambling monologue interspersed with intrusive personal questions.  I love my headphones because they do keep people from bothering me and at least of late I don't feel God wants me reaching out to anyone but the driver. I wouldn't wear them at the bus stop but they are useful once I get on the bus.  

It also worked OK for talking to my aunt (has a built in microphone). I got the headphones for $3 at a supermarket checkout line. 

The advantage about corded earphones it doesn't indicate I have any kind of wealth.  Virtually everyone else on the bus has the $100 wireless earbuds and I want to be the poorest person on the bus. 

Yesterday I was over on the soda aisle buying some real Cokes and the Dr Pepper vendor told me I had some "serious bell bottoms" (he is about 25 I think so I thought it was funny he knew the term). We flirt a little even though I am old enough to be his Mom and I told him I had gotten off the fake sugars. He congratulated me which I thought was nice. 

I have also found we have club soda in the alcohol aisle and I can do that. 

Yesterday I volunteered for a job no one likes and my boss was thrilled I think that will be part of my job ongoing now.  And I'm OK with that.  

I need to take my shower, that's it for now. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I discovered a coated b- complex, it's wonderful