Sunday, August 13, 2023

Early Sunday

 I left the house at 6:45 yesterday, it takes about 2 hours to get to work one way and I started at 10.  I arrived in the parking lot about 9:15 which to me was unacceptable as I still had to buy drinks for the day, get stuff out of locker, put up my junk, etc.  Plus I spoke to the man in the parking lot.  

I drank 2 quarts of hydration (Gatorade) which proved to be too much as I had a very uncomfortable ride to work.  I didn't speak much to Jared (man in  parking lot) as a result but I did text him (he gave me a church business card he is the assistant pastor) later and he invited me to the church.  

So I will leave the house at 6:15 today hopefully that will make for a better trip to work today, that and only drink ONE quart of Gatorade (it is not that hot this early anyway).  

So I got to work and the parking lot was pretty empty, and it was quiet for a few hours, but around the time I wanted my first break it was hopping!  And it stayed busy.  

I was there 9 hours.  Difficult boss was there for 6 of them.  I was OK on first break about 2.5 hours in but she (after taking a timely lunch herself) gave me a hard time about taking my lunch after 4 hours, made me wait until well after 5 hours when she was almost going home.  I remain a little resentful about that.  

I believe she is off today, so are 2 of my helpers today so it will be challenging. I bought some gallon sized (!) tea bags the other night these things are half the size of Biscuit.  I am making some tea now so I can have some nice cold refreshing tea when I get home.  

Jack got me last night and can't get me tonight so it is Ace tonight. Ace is happy to do it.  We can gossip about work he is like a bartender (I think) in that he is a very good listener. 

I did get my lunch eventually.  I ran late doing my God Time yesterday so I threw my tablet (with a lot of my devotionals and one of my Daily Bibles) in my backpack and said I would read it before work, didn't have time so pushed it to lunch but too tired so I didn't get it until I got home (and never did do the Daily Bible).  So I need to make that a priority this morning.  

I had some pocket sized Bible studies in my vest but I gave those away yesterday.  She was very happy to get them so no regrets, and I ordered more.  I have my own distributor number with World Missionary Press.  😂  I may bring my personal (real) Bible today and flip through that on my break.  I am certainly not embarrassed to be caught reading my Bible.  

I was annoyed one of my Muslim coworkers was bothering me for "donations" for some guy in Pakistan.  If I'm going to make a donation it is going to be one of MY charities, a Christian one, or perhaps a small cash love offering to an unreached co worker who forgot her lunch money, that sort of thing.  Or bring in some chocolate.  I'm not funding a Muslim and I'm not sorry about it but she was VERY pushy.  If this keeps up I will report her to mean boss. 

We have an autistic employee who gets very worked up over things at times, he had a meltdown last night and they called him to personnel.  I am wondering if he got fired.  We will find out today. 

Work is not worth high blood pressure.  I will give my best every day but I can "check" it when I leave.  Which is why I would never want a team lead position.  I will volunteer to work a heavy weekend on my time off if you have no coverage (this weekend) without even a "Thank you Heather" (yup) but that's as far as it goes.  And I do get paid for it after all.  

At any rate I got my first break and lunch, but it was so busy I had to take my last break right before I clocked out.  I know the bosses are not crazy about it but I wasn't skipping my break and I needed it.  

Jack and Ace are very reliable picking me up thank God.  I did have way too much caffeine.  2 six packs of Diet Dew bottles to be precise.  Probably do it again today, but then I am good for a year.  I can't say much more. 

I did text Jared (the pastor) around dinnertime and he got back to me later said I should come to the church.  Both my parents and my aunt checked it out when I sent them pictures of the free Bibles sign and the business card.  They all said it is legit.  It is Baptist.  I got saved at a Baptist VBS.  So today I will say I can come Wed night but I will need a ride (I am only a few miles away) and if they can do that then ask what do they wear?  Some churches are very casual some less so and I hate wearing the wrong thing.  So we will see on that.  I know my family has really wanted me to find a good church so we will see.  I said that twice.  

I am assuming he is married but the fact that the whole church is OK with Bible Handouts is encouraging.  I often wish I had a church business card to put in the Bibles I hand out so they have a place to go.  

I'm going to take my shower.  All done almost ready to go.  

I will tell you later about the battle of the food bowl with the cats.  

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