Wednesday, August 23, 2023

At work

 Well the second driver was different, came on time instead of late so I missed him.  But I always build time for that, I can, living alone.  And it meant lots of new drivers to distribute! 

One of them made me laugh.  Sitting in her seat, sees me coming and sticks her hand out around the protective barrier.  So I put it in her hand and we both grinned!  Fun!

Not fun: I have 2 streets to cross to get to work.  Crossing the second, had the light (like Ron!), big rig comes flying through almost hit me.  And "Very Early Monday" would have been my last post!

At work now I just heard my boss on the PA so she's here.  I work 8 days straight today is only day 3.  She is going to be off at least one of them.  

I was bad and bought an iced coffee which was delicious.  Whatever bean they use is very smooth.  Tonight I can actually get a full night's sleep because I don't work until 2 pm tomorrow.  It will be hot coming in though.  

That's it for now.


Anonymous said...

The difference between you and ron is you are not blind. He was. I still can't understand why he would try and cross and busy street blind like that. More than likely he was drunk too.

Heather Knits said...

Ill allow this. He went everywhere by himself commuter train subway BART you name it. He just needed a sighted person to show him once. He used a footpath to cross over Highway 101 many times. I will do more on this later.

Heather Knits said...

I don't know if he was drunk but likely not.

Anonymous said...

I have lived in a few major cities. In each, I saw plenty of blind people out and about living their lives walking around, using subways and buses, etc. Some had dogs, but most did not.

The fault for that accident falls on the inattentive driver who hit Ron.

Enjoy your full night's sleep Heather.

Heather Knits said...

Yes, the driver ADMITTED he was on a cell phone and had run the red light. For whatever reason he was not charged. In my opinion he should have lost his license.

Ron was even wearing a jogger's safety light you could see for half a mile in the dark. Reflective tape on his cane, etc.