Tuesday, August 29, 2023

I was tapped out

One thing Walmart stores do is something called "The Zone" where various associates are assigned to the grocery department, make it look nice at a certain time every day so the grocery manager can send beautiful photos to corporate.  I have been assigned to work on that most days and I don't mind, I like the grocery manager and want to make his life a little easier, this is one way I can do that.  And it gives me a little break from my day.  

I'm allergic to almonds and I found it funny every time they were putting me on aisles with almonds, but I am OK with handling them in a package.  

I felt like I gave the store a good day's work even with my boss off yesterday. 

So I left the house and went to work, falling asleep on the bus again. I need to set an alarm or stand up, maybe both. 

When I got to work I had an iced coffee and, right before I started, went up front to the Dr Pepper vending machine (which was sadly not working) to buy a can of regular Dr Pepper as I had a headache and sometimes a can of real sugar soda will help.  As I was walking up someone caught my attention.  It was Beau.  

He looked great, his eyes as blue as ever (but he is Latino/) and shoulders looking very strong.  I think one reason I'm attracted to him he is not feeble like Ron was.  Looking at him I don't wonder how much help he needs getting on and off the toilet. 

He was with some people including an older man he did not introduce me.  We chatted for a minute and he said he isn't coming back to work for a while, I gave him a hug and went off to get my Dr Pepper. I could feel his arm wrapped around the back of my neck for a while after. 

I did my job, one of my favorite co workers was there so that was fun.  I felt bad for another coworker, I won't say much but her man is a player and it is hurting her.  Boy that brings back bad memories. There is nothing worse than feeling like your guy wants to be with someone else.  Horrible, horrible, thing.  She was pretty upset right before quitting time so I sent her a text message with a hug emoji and some hearts only.  

I bought a deli lunch which I find very filling and didn't eat any dinner when I got home. 

I had about 3 times Doc's suggested daily limit on my caffeine.  I was pretty exhausted after work and got an iced coffee on my way home. I did catch the driver I wanted, gave him a New Testament this time. I told all 5 of my drivers "You won't see me tomorrow!  See you NEXT WEEK!"  That was nice. 

My work bus runs pretty frequently during "peak hours" and there was another bus on the route who stayed behind us and let my driver do all the work, then, a mile from the transit center, pulls out in front of my guy and sails in to the transit center like he did all the work.  That is a lousy thing to do!  I felt very bad for my driver. Because of that my guy was running late and I missed my home bus, had to wait a half hour at a shared bus stop.  

I had two New Testaments left in bags of candy. I held one up as various other buses approached and all of them changed lanes to get away from me!  I ask God to keep me humble and he does!  You would have sworn I was naked and raving, or waving a torch or something (In a sense I feel I was waving a torch, [Jeremiah 23:29]). 

My bus finally came and he took the second to the last New Testament. I got home OK and left the last one at the bus stop on the bench.  I was beat.  

I like to call my aunt on my walk home she can generally talk a minute. I got home and collapsed into bed for about an hour with the boy cats. Cleo had fled in terror because I had my aunt on speakerphone. I really doubt Sara (cat sitter) is going to see Cleo at all. The boys were nicely cuddly and did not fight. 

I talked to Dad who is having heart issues and I feel like he is being a good patient on that. 

I slept OK considering the amount of caffeine I had.  I woke up at 3 and decided to ride with that, did my God Time, started some laundry. 

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

LOL I wondered when Beau would appear again.

Heather Knits said...

He came, he went. At least I got a hug. I think that was the first time I touched him.

Back to married to Jesus now.

Anonymous said...

You are not married to Jesus. Thats just weird. Are men married to Jesus too?

Heather Knits said...

Battling a headache so I will come back to this but short version the whole church,men and women, are seen in the Bible as the "Bride" of Christ so yes.

If I marry again Jesus will be #1 with that man. His love for God will inform his love for me. Ephesians 5:25