Saturday, August 19, 2023

Early Saturday

 So no one at store level knows what is going on with my job just that it will be changing soon. My boss was less than helpful.  Things are fluid, I should know more in a month perhaps. In the meantime my "fellow" associates are speaking negativity and it is exhausting trying to be upbeat in this. 

I can't say more; the snitch who tried to ruin my life with APS 3 years ago made sure of that.  I learned my lesson; I won't say what my job is or even where I'm based.  The last thing I need is some "anonymous" call out to ruin my life again.  I am sorry about that.  

But I am dealing with that and it bears sharing. Other than that work was fine last night, mean boss left at 5 (she was off at 4).  The rest of the night was pretty quiet. 

To the person who told me about period underwear I did some research and found the store carries the "Period" brand and it is $9 instead of $20 for the Thinx.  It holds plenty for one day especially as I would wear them as backup for the cup. The last period I had the cup worked great but did leak when I didn't change it in time. So I got a pair, washed them.  Days 2-3 are my big days for my cycle.  I wear the cup every day because my cycle is very erratic and you can bet the cup will be traveling with me to CA. So the next cycle I can trot these out unless I am in CA.  

I can imagine trying to explain that I needed to wash my period underwear. I will bring disposables. A while back I mentioned a bad headache to them and Dad asked why I had it. I said "Hormonal probably"and he said "I thought you were done with that". My older family is very conservative in We Don't Discuss This.  So I will bring disposables and 2 cups in case something happens to the one cup. 

I don't have any bloating and generally I get severe breast tenderness the week or so before my cycle starts. That has come back along with my cycle this year; but it is erratic. This happened with my birth mother it was very erratic for some years before she hit menopause. 

I kept waking up last night with a headache.  It was very frustrating as I feel like I have to make the weekend count. 

I will do my God Time and then probably go to the store. I need a few small things. The cats are good, Spotty was particularly cute this morning. He likes having me home.  And I feel like - even if I remarry - I need to spend some time at home on my days off because I'm it for them,socially. I"m the only human in their lives.  

When Ron was alive they had someone 24/7 if I was at work he was right there in the bed.  

(went out to run errands after this which will be another post).  


Anonymous said...

Why do you take changes as being laid off or negative? It might be a good thing or maybe just a move to another department. You are always so paranoid.


Heather Knits said...

You're talking (LOL) to the woman who got laid off 2 days after her husband died. While I believe the changes God brings to my life work for good (Romans 8:28) I don't look forward to them.

Anonymous said...

Please you already knew the job ended once ron died. I believe they let you finish out the month though. Right?

Anonymous said...

You lost your job because you worked for your husband who was in a special program for the blind and he died. You didn't get laid off.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it would be a layoff. Why would they do that instead of just firing you or anyone else? You can collect unemployment if it's a layoff Kmart doesn't like that. I don't think it will be any kind of a job loss.

Heather Knits said...

Ron had one supervisor, Lyndon, from the time he started the program until about 2 years before he died. When Ron had back surgery coming up I told Lyndon I worried what would happen to me if something happened to Ron on the table, and Lyndon *assured* me they would give me "at least 6 months" and "No one's going to throw you out in the street" etc. it was very reassuring at the time. So I was thinking about half that when Ron died and half I am so screwed. Turns out I was screwed. Lyndon's replacement was getting a lot of pressure to take "my" vending machines and give them to the other vendor, who wanted that $1,000 a month for himself. So she caved, and I see why, but it was a shock to me after what Lyndon had said about "looking out for me".

The other vendor did give me a wad of cash the day I signed everything over to relieve his guilt I suppose but it was like something out of the Bible taking the widow's living, I felt. Now don't get me wrong I was ready to leave the business but 2 days? Really?! '

I needed the time to finish things out their way because the machines weren't making any money; I couldn't stock them the way they said they 'had" to be when I left, that took a couple weeks to scrape it together. Then when they took over they took out all my merchandise and threw it away. But I wasn't putting money in my pocket during that time I was investing everything I made after rides back into inventory.

What may happen at Walmart they may eliminate my job. Will they find me another one is the question?

Anonymous said...

If you're a good worker why wouldn't they?

Heather Knits said...

I hope so. I work hard and seem to be well liked by everyone.

Anonymous said...

Heather, God didn't bring you this far too abandon you. Trust him to provide.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but Ron died March 6th and you closed out the business March 31st. So you had more than 2 days. Not to mention you continued buying inventory and stocking the machines almost right up until the end and then you were given credit for that inventory when you shit down on the 31st. Plus the Go Fund Me that was setup for you netted you $6500 which was plenty for you to live on while you found a job. Nice try though trying to rewrite history. You always talked about how you knew once Ron died or quit the business that you were done. Since Ron was the boss and you were the employee why would you think they would have let you stay for 6 months? You knew this ALL along and is why you pushed Ron to keep the business even when you were doing everything and he just laid in bed drinking all day long.

Heather Knits said...

Ron died Saturday the 6th Monday the 8th I was told I was OUT.

I was terrified, you don't seem to get that. I knew God had me but it was a very scary time. The Go Fund me was done by someone on a message board he just DID it the minute I posted Ron had died when I still had the body in my house.

I had hoped I would have MORE time to finish the business and I have said this before but the other vendor had promised Ron he would hire me if Ron died. So I was counting on that for weeks until it slowly dawned he would not.

Ron didn't want me doing anything else while he was alive; my job now is a good example. To make $700-800 every 2 weeks I am gone 13 hours a day five days a week. We didn't have that with the business. I could not have left Ron alone that long.

You don't seem to like me. Why do you read my blog? I want an honest answer, I am serious.

Heather Knits said...

He will provide; He is working on my faith right now.

Anonymous said...

My sweet 9 year old grand daughter who believes in God said just out of the blue that "we're never alone".
I love the faith of a child.