Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Wednesday morning

 A couple days ago I bit my right thumbnail and chewed it down a little far on the outside, where my thumb hits the spacebar when I'm typing,so it isn't much fun to type right now. 

I slept OK I guess I woke up a couple times, pretty sick of that.  But I happened to wake up before my alarm so I'm happy about that. 

I got some good news, one of my Bible sponsors got a missionary Bible group to donate several cases of Bibles which will be great. As always I like to write detailed reports so he probably cc'd them. Most happily they will be doing Spanish which I desperately need. 

I even carry Chinese and Vietnamese material with me when I do a Handout because one time I had a guy only read Vietnamese and I was able to give him something. He was thrilled. 

It's raining again and my understanding it will rain all day. Not a bad day to work I guess. 

My weight was down a couple of pounds which made me feel better, too.  

I have a problem: when I wake up later; Spotty wants his attention when I am getting dressed and rushing out the door and I don't have time for him. Because I woke up early today I had time to cuddle him which is very important to me.  

I took my shower after that and then did my God Time where he appeared again. So he got more petting. 

I am going to buy lunch at work today. 


Anonymous said...

Please let us know what's going on when you see illegals flooding Texas. I'm hearing your State is getting overrun.

Heather Knits said...

Yes, it has been. What I find more alarming are the pregnant women and non-English speaking families with several kids. Although I know many adult "anchor babies" who contribute quite a bit.

Now i like Beau a lot but some would see him as part of the problem, "taking" a job from a citizen. I have clear vision on that.