Sunday, May 21, 2023

Bible Handout update!

 So every weekend when I leave the house I encounter the JW's at my bus stop with the mobile literature display.  Sometimes I would chat with them, enough that they knew I had cats, and when I started up the Handouts again they could tell (sign on my cart, asking me where I was going, etc). 

Today when I left the house with about 80 Bibles I met them again at the bus stop and they said they had "something special" for me.  One of the ladies had found a kitten and they brought him (I checked) out.  It was an adorable, tiny, brown and white tabby, a coloration I have always wanted.  He was sweet and precious.  

But I had a job to do, Biscuit would (rightly) object, and a check of his butt showed blood which indicated he had a bad worm problem as well.  So I declined and gave them the name of a rescue charity that takes in kittens.  

I headed off to Acres Homes, which had not changed much in the several years since my last Handout there.  It was a little slow to start but man, the Spanish...I brought a case of 24 Spanish Bibles, some Spanish New Testaments, and some Spanish Scripture booklets and I went through it ALL. I could do a Spanish only Bible handout next time. It was loco!

English only did very well as well.  I could talk to the people at the bus stop and handed out a few that way. One shirtless guy on a moped kept coming by,along with a guy in a yellow Corvette. Neither wanted a Bible but I guess they were thinking.  

One older Black couple asked for Bibles,she wanted 4 and he wanted 2.  I guess they had some people in mind.  I brought what was left of the kid Bibles, about a dozen, and they were also very popular. 

I had NKJV New Testaments for the English, they had a lovely cover, nice print size and easy to transport but no plan of salvation, so I put various tracts in each, knowing God had the right tract for each recipient.  

I did 50 English, 26 Spanish, about 10? Kid Bibles. I didn't notice the time when I started but was out there over an hour. 

After I was done I rode the bus up Antoine to Victory and got some fritters from the Shipleys (I had to walk through the drive through as they shut the lobby at noon), then I went to the grocery store to buy some cold drinks. Then I came home. 

I am afraid of dogs so I was not happy someone's had gotten out, I was followed by a pack of 2 pitbulls and a chow a couple of blocks coming home but God protected me. 

Please pray for the recipients!  


Anonymous said...

Too bad you have a fear of dogs, I kiss my German shepherd on the face. I've had lots of dogs, only had problems with one who was a pitbull mix that used to nip at the kids. We got rid of that one.

Heather Knits said...

I saw a kid mauled by a shepherd when I was a kid.

Anonymous said...

I've had two shepherds, sweet as pie. But that said, I don't think a stranger would be welcome in our house. Great family dogs if you're their "family"

Heather Knits said...

I think some animals,like some people, are born with a bad nature. For instance, my MIL's chihuahua. Vicious little thing always attacking Ron. I told Ron more than once what he needed was a neuter. That would have slowed him down!